View Full Version : WWE house show report 7-11 Lexington

Black Widow
07-12-2008, 08:48 AM
HOWARD FINKEL! Yes the Fink is doing the ring announcments tonight.
It was glorious. Kelly Kelly was the hostess, and said she would be
appearing at random spots through out the night. She pretty much
stayed in the same place the whole time.

He announces that the World Title match will be either a Falls Count
Anywhere match, a 2/3 Falls match, or a NO DQ match, and the fans get
to text message a number to decide.

First match is Jamie Noble vs. Charlie Haas. Jamie Noble wins with a
flippy move off the top. Haas got a lot of heat by stalling to start
the match, but other than that not much to it.

D-Lo Brown beat Santino Marella. Santino came out and talked about
how great Lexington is, and mentioned how great it's great football
and basketball cardinals are. Massive heat for that one (seriously,
fuck Louisville). He then talked about how great his quads are. D-
Lo beat him with a frog splash. People seemed to know who he was,
which was weird considering there were a ton of kids there that
couldn't possibly remember the Nation.

Paul London vs. Chuck Palumbo. Either Chuck Palumbo is a giant, or
Paul London is beyond tiny. Palumbo was literally twice his size.
London beat him with a shooting star splash, which I thought WWE
banned? Well he did it here and it was great.

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill w/ Katie Lea. Kofi was quite over.
Not a main event pop but he was certainly popular. At one point
there was even a kofi chant. Kingston won with whatever his move is
called, I really don't remember.

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix. Mickie was the first star of the
night to get the crowd off it's feet. Kelly Kelly was sitting
ringside with a kid who was the guest bell ringer. Whenever Beth
would put a hold on Mickie, Kelly would clap into the mic to get the
crowd going. Mickie won with a roll up pin.

Lance Cade came out and cut a promo on Shawn Michaels, saying that he
was the best student to come out of the TWA and once he came to the
WWE Michaels wouldn't even give him the time of day, so he was
angry. HBK came out and they had the best match of the night. HBK
got a huge pop. It went back and forth for a while. HBK did his
elbow off the top, and went for the superkick but Cade countered it
into a spine buster. HBK kicked out and Cade picked him up and gave
him another one. HBK kicked out again. Cade picked him up and HBK
pushed him and then superkicked him for the pin. Great great match.

CM Punk vs. Batista for the World Heavyweight Title. 66% of the
crowd voted for No DQ! This was bizzare. Batista came out first to
a HUGE ovation. Cm Punk came out to a not quite as big reaction, but
was still a star, no boos or anything that I noticed. All through
out the match both guys were being cheered big time. There were
Batista chants and CM punk chants, depending on who was down. There
was a chair in the ring, and Batista hit a spine buster on Punk.
Batista went for the spear but Punk picked up the chair and he
speared the chair, so Punk got the pin. Punk grabbed the belt and
started celebrating and climbing the ropes and the entire arena was
going nuts. Then Batista kicked him and gave him a power bomb, and
everyone went even crazier. Then Bataista posed with the belt and
people went even crazier. Then he left and CM Punk got up and
everyone started booing. He stood there with the belt and held it up
and everyone booed. No idea what was going on there.

The Main event was Cena and Cryme Tyme vs. Kane, Rhodes, and Dibiase.

The first part of this match had Cena as the babyface in peril,
selling mostly for Dibiase. Cena finally tagged in SHAD GASPARD who
went wild, and knocked Kane off the apron. Kane went berzerk and
stared destroying everyone. He threw JTG in the ring and then got on
top of him and started beating him. He then got out of the ring and
started kicking over all of the chairs around the ring, then walked
to the back. 3 refs and a security guy came out and literally
carried JTG to the back. Then Fink said the match would continue.
Shad sold for the Rhodes for the rest. Cena got the hot tag and gave
both Rhodes and Dibiase a Five Knuckle Shuffle at the same time. He
gave them each an FU and pinned Rhodes. They celebrated for a minute
and then Cena grabbed Finkel and put him over saying that he was the
first WWF employee and the greatest ring announcer ever, and said it
was an honor to have him call out his name.

Black Widow
07-12-2008, 08:22 PM
I attended the WWE Raw House Show on Friday, June 11, 2008 in Lexington, KY in Rupp Arena.

Howard Finkel opened the show giving 3 choices to text for the World Title Match later in the night. The choices were no a. dq match, b. 2 out of 3 falls match, c. falls count anywhere. Then Kelly Kelly appeared in the crowd and asked a fan a trivia question which was where did WM 24 take place, fan answered Orlando which is correct and won 4 ringside tickets.

Jamie Noble pinned Charlie Haas

D-Lo Brown beat Santino Morella with the five star frog splash

Paul London defeated Chuck Palumbo after hitting the 450 spash

Kofi Kingston over Paul Burchill w Katie Lea to retain the Intercontinental Title

Mickie James pinned Beth Phoenix to retain the WWE Womes Title

Shawn Michaels beat Lance Cade with Sweet Chin Music, the crowd was really into this match as HBK chants were loud throughout the arena

CM Punk beat Batista to retain the World Title, Punk was celebrating after the victory and Batista gave Punk the Batista Bomb and picked up the World Title and laid the belt down on Punk's body

John Cena and Cryme Tyme beat Kane and Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes

Biggest Pops
Shawn Michaels
John Cena

Most Heat
Santino Morella
Lance Cade

07-13-2008, 05:37 AM
woah won 4 ringside tickets just like that?....