View Full Version : HEYMAN HUSTLE: We like to do things together

Black Widow
07-12-2008, 09:19 AM
EVERY man in America dreams of being with a Playboy Playmate – but two of the special ladies in boss Hugh Hefner’s life reveal they prefer to do things TOGETHER.

Eighty-two-year-old Hef currently lives at his legendary Playboy mansion with three gorgeous blondes.

And SunSport's Paul Heyman caught up with two of them – Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt – for an exclusive and outrageous interview.

You can watch the latest Heyman Hustle by clicking the video link below.

Video Link (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/heyman/article1405567.ece)

Holly is Hef's number one girl, the only one who lives full time in his bedroom and allegedly rules the roost with an iron fist.

But Bridget and Kendra Wilkinson are his two other blonde stunners who have become the darlings of the Hollywood paparazzi.

Gorgeous Kendra was spotted celebrating her birthday while the others were conducting a massive search for the 55th Anniversary Playmate.

And when Paul turned up to the search, he started asking the questions others wouldn’t - “Who's really number one? How does someone earn that distinction? Don't you really hate Kendra?"

The answers given by Holly and Bridget were as sexually open and uninhibited as the former ECW owner's penchant for controversy.

"We like to do things together," Bridget tells our man Paul.

She adds: "There used to be a bunch of girls at the Mansion and things were not so happy... now that we're down to the three of us, NOW we know how to get along!"

Wait 'til you hear Holly's discussion with Paul about why "three" is the magic number, and how it always leaves the door open for more friends to join the girls with Hef!

No topic is off-limits, as the "Girls Next Door" even talk about some of Hefner's famous ex girlfriends!

It's a totally scandalous Hustle, the one you absolutely can't miss!