View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (07/12/08) - Augusta, Georgia

Black Widow
07-13-2008, 11:06 AM
WNW reader Dennis Spencer sent in the following report:

I just got back from the WWE event in Savannah, Ga and here are the results:

Teddy Long welcomed all of us and told us the matches that will be happening tonight. Also Eve found some lucky fans to sit ringside if they answered a WWE Trivia Question right. The question was where was the site of this year's Wrestlemania. They answered Orlando and they got to sit front row ringside.

Jeff Hardy vs Edge-No DQ Match
Mark Henry vs Tommy Dreamer-ECW Championship Match
Matt Hardy vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin in a Triple Threat Match for the US Title
Finlay vs Carlito
The Great Khali vs Evan Bourne
Divas Tag Match-Victoria and Maryse vs Cherry and Michelle McCool
Jesse and Festus vs The Miz and John Morrison for the WWE Tag Team Titles
Mr. Kennedy vs Mike Knox

Finlay vs Carlito

A lot of heat on Carlito when he came out. He came out with a different look. It looked like he's leaving the afro and going with the braided look. Finlay and Hornswoggle come out with a huge pop from the Savannah crowd as they were giving Hats and Foam Shillelagh to them. This was a very entertaining match with of course Hornswoggle getting on Carlito's nerves but it eneded up getting the best of Carlito as he got the taste of a tad pole splash from Hornswoggle and a Celtic Cross from Finlay. Your winner in this match was Finlay. After the match Finlay and Hornswoggle danced for the crowd to get a good laugh.

The Great Khali vs Evan Bourne

This was basically a returned bout from last week in Albany with the same result: A typical squash match with the win going to none other than the Great Khali. He got a huge pop when he came to and when he left the ring. You think the Punjabi Giant becoming a baby face. We'll soon wait and see.

Mr Kennedy vs Mike Knox

This was also a returned bout from last week in Albany with the same result. A typical Mr Kennedy match with him getting the Mic Check for the win. Mr Kennedy played with the crowd when he came out to the ring and was waiting for his mic to come down but had to have a little help from ring announcer Justin Roberts. After the match, Justin didn't do a good job with announcing him as the winner so Mr Kennedy got some one from the Savannah crowd to announce him in typical Mr Kennedy style. Very cool of Mr Kennedy for letting that fan have his moment in the sun.

The Miz and John Morrison vs Jesse and Festus for the WWE Tag Team Titles

The Miz and Morrison first came out posing to the crowd thinking they are the "ravishing one" and you know what I mean by that. Trust me, they're not in his league. There is only one "ravishing one" and that is Rick Rude. Jesse and Festus came out to a huge pop. When the bell rang, Festus goes crazy and almost ran out The Miz and Morrison out of the arena. During the match, Jesse and Festus try to their best Ric Flair and Rick Rude impersonations but not real close even though it got a huge laugh from the crowd. In the end, it was John Morrison hitting his finishing move on Jesse for the win to retain their WWE Tag Team Titles.

Matt Hardy vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin-Triple Threat Match for the WWE US Title

This match was very action packed with incredible move after incredible move. The one that impressed me were the one where Shelton jumped to the top turnbuckle where Matt Hardy was and threw him off with a superplex. The other move when MVP was about
to do his finishing move when Matt Hardy countered it with a Twist of Fate and got the cover for the win. Before this match, Matt Hardy got Eve to get a fan to be his guest manager for the match if they answered a WWE Trivia Question. The question was who won the WWE 2008 Royal Rumble. The answer was John Cena. So Selena, a true WWE fan got to be the guest manager for the match. I guaranteed that made her night.

Divas Tag Match-Victoria and Maryse vs Cherry and Michelle McCool

This match really impressed when most fans would get up and get something to eat and go to the bathroom. It had wrestling moves and some funny moments but it was a very entertaining match with Michelle using a submission armbar on Maryse to win the match for her team. It had funny moments when Victoria fell off the ropes while trying to pose and when Cherry decided to give Victoria a "wedgeie" during their match. I felt bad for Victoria cause she kept trying to adjust her panties every few minutes. It was hilarious.

Mark Henry vs Tommy Dreamer-ECW Championship Match

This match was your typical power match by Henry by simply overpowering Dreamer with his strength even though Dreamer got his shots in when he could but it wasn't enough when Henry hitting the "world's strongest slam" for the victory. Henry and his manager Tony Atlas got huge before, during, and after the match. I never thought Atlas could be such a suck up for Henry but I guess there's a first time for everything.

Jeff Hardy vs Edge in a No DQ Match

Earlier in the evening,ring announcer Justin Roberts asked the fans to text in their votes to see which kind of match Jeff Hardy and Edge should have for the main event. Their choices were Falls Count Everywhere, 2 out of 3 falls, and No DQ. Of course you know what match the fans wanted?and Jeff Hardy and Edge sure didn't disappoint them. Edge got huge heat from the crowd. He got on the mic and said it was embarrassing that he had to come to Augusta but ring announcer Justin Roberts corrected him by telling him Savannah so Edge go says "oh, even worse...Savannah. Jeff Hardy got a huge pop when he came out and then the match began. It went out the ring few times and the fans did get involved in it when they did. In?the end, Jeff Hardy getting the Swanton for the victory leaving Edge flat on his back. Weapons did come into play to help Jeff get the win by the broom stick and a chair. After the match, Edge, throwing a temper tantrum like a little baby, leaves the ring.

The crowd was into every match. I would say there were a lot more people there at this event than the Raw house show I attended here back here in Dec of 07. About 3 to 4,000 people there. A lot of people I think for a house show. After the event was over, I got to see Matt and Jeff leave in a car. They waved to the fans thanking them for coming to the show. Poor Jeff had to put his bag in the front seat of the car with him as they drove off. Also Khali was real nice by letting a fan see him and sign a autograph. He got in with other ECW and Smackdown Refs in a Explorer as they left the arena.

Huge Pops
Matt and?Jeff Hardy
Mr. Kennedy
Great Khali
Jesse and Festus
Cherry and Michelle McCool

Huge Heat
Mike Knox
Mark Henry and Tony Atlas
Miz and Morrison