View Full Version : The World's Hottest Curry Ever?

Black Widow
07-13-2008, 01:21 PM

A curry so hot it comes with a health warning has been created by a London chef who is hoping to make the record books.

The Bollywood Burner is made with the eye-wateringly hot Naga pepper and seeds - one of the world's hottest chillis.

The Naga pepper measures 855,000 on the Scoville scale of piquancy - over 100 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper which measures just 8,000.

Diners at The Cinnamon Club are required to sign a disclaimer saying they are aware of the nature and risks involved with tasting the lamb-based Bollywood Burner before eating it.

Chef Vivek Singh said his dish was inspired by cuisine from Hyderabad, the state capital of Andhra Pradesh in India.

He said: "We found a list of the 10 hottest chillies and decided to try and use some of them. I think it will be the hottest curry in the world."

He added that the curry may not regularly appear on the menu: "I would create it on demand for customers but will not include it all the time, I think it's just too extreme a dish."

Toby Steele, 19, a student from Brighton was the first to taste the Bollywood Burner at the restaurant on Great Smith Street in Westminster.

He said: "I'm usually a korma man and I suspect this is the hottest thing I've ever tasted.

"It was nice actually, you could really taste the spices.

"The initial taste isn't that hot but now, a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed."

The Bollywood Burner will be submitted to the Guinness World Records for verification of its status as the world's hottest curry. The results should be announced in two to three weeks.

sky news

07-13-2008, 04:29 PM
Im am going to stay as far away from that as possible

07-21-2008, 07:11 PM
Eh, I wanna taste it. We have pretty hot curries down here that don't affect me... but that one looks like it could be pretty hot lol.