View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Taping Results From Charlotte, North Carolina

Black Widow
07-16-2008, 12:30 PM
Dark Match:
* Ron Killings b. Domino
Ron Killings gets the win via pinfall after a reverse suplex.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing This Friday)
* SmackDown opens showing clips of Edge & Vickie's wedding earlier today. Tonight will be the reception. Chavo comes out for a toast. Edge calls for action. Finlay and Hornswoggle come out.

* Kurt Hawkins & Zack Ryder b. Finlay & Hornswoggle
Edge is the guest referee in this match. He interferes by spearing Finlay allowing Ryder to get the pin for the win.

* Edge & Vickie have their first dance. It is interrupted by Big Show who comes out to steal a dance. This leads to Big Show vs. MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Vladimir Kozlov, and The Great Khali in a 4 on 1 match.

* Big Show vs. MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Vladimir Kozlov, and The Great Khali in a 4 on 1 match
Big Show dominates early on. Everyone jumps in and attacks. The match ends in No Contest.

* Vickie Guerrero is in the ring to throw the bouquet. I'm told she is drawing so much heat you can hardly hear what she is saying. Several of the divas come out in gowns. Michelle McCool attacks Natalya. Cherry catches the bouquet and wins a match against Vickie.

* Natalya Neidhart b. Cherry
I'm told Natalya dominated the entire match and got the win with the sharpshooter. Vickie then comes in the ring and simply pins Cherry to win her match against her.

* Brian Kendrick b. Jimmy Wang Yang
I'm told Kendrick came out with an all new look and was accompanied with a big black body guard. He got the win via pinfall.

* Edge is shown in the new Slim Jim commercial.

* John Morrison & The Miz b. Jesse & Festus
The Miz got the win with the Reality Check on Jesse.

* Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy
This match is ordered by Vickie Guerrero. Before the match they throw the wedding cake in Chavo's face. The match ends in no contest when La Familia come out and interfere.

* The Cutting Edge is up next. Edge tells Vickie how much he loves her while a video clip is shown of them all over each other. Triple H makes his way out to ringside with a gift. Triple H shows a video of Edge putting the moves on the wedding planner. Vickie snaps and the show goes off the air.

* A Ric Flair video clip is shown and the crowd goes crazy. Flair comes out and delivers an emotional speech.

Dark Main Event:
* Triple H b. Edge
Vickie comes into the ring and spears Edge. Triple H gets the pin for the win.

Bad Boy
07-16-2008, 05:43 PM
hmm, looks like they are running with the Edge/Vickie split... great news, but in the end, a crappy Smackdown

07-17-2008, 02:27 AM
just as long as vickie goes away. she drawing too much heat AWAY from Edge

07-17-2008, 03:02 PM
man, to see Vickie spear edge..... god i hope someone somehow taped that

Kenpachi Zaraki
07-18-2008, 05:50 PM
bad show 2 much of wedding stuff

07-18-2008, 08:39 PM
Vickie spears edge??? lol