View Full Version : Glee for Victory

Black Widow
07-19-2008, 10:04 PM
VICTORY ROAD had so much hype to live up to.

For a start, the PPV was in Houston, Texas - the hometown of TNA world heavyweight championship challenger Booker T.

Fans were involved in the set-up of two of the matches. And the World X Cup was dusted off as high-fliers from around the world competed for the trophy.

Luckily the opening bout lived up to the build-up.

Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machine Guns triumphed in a lively World X Cup 12-man elimination match, giving Team TNA valuable points.

Gail Kim and Angelina Love had a nice, crisp Knockouts bout, with a rope slip by the always reliable Kim barely noticeable amidst the action.

RAish-ing the roof ... Abyss takes on Raisha Saeed

RAish-ing the roof ... Abyss takes on Raisha Saeed

Gail, although hampered by an interfering Velvet Sky, got the pin. She took a minor beat down, but thankfully evaded a paper-bag attempt by the Beautiful People, escaping with her pride intact and hand raised in victory.

Next up we had the grudge match between Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal.

This long-awaited showdown featured the usual speedy moves of The Guru and Black Machismo, before So Cal Val’s presence allowed the love hungry Dutt to steal a quick roll-up on Lethal for the win.

With disgruntled TNA fans at ringside sporting leather straps and LAX t-shirts, the Fans Revenge scrap followed, with Beer Money Inc the challengers. Robert Roode and James Storm took on the dynamic duo of Homicide and Hernandez in a highly entertaining Tag Team Title bout.

Storm and Roode both headed to the outside to take a few lashes of strap, before LAX took control, Hernandez making the pin to retain the gold.

Awesome Kong made her presence felt in the TNA Knockouts title match. Current champ Taylor Wilde was on the receiving end of some hard shots. But she embarrassed Kong by once again putting the former champ down for a three count.

A post-match beat-down on Wilde was interrupted by Abyss, who nailed a black hole slam on Raisha Saeed to make the save.

Ultimate X was also equal to its hype as X Division grapplers took no prisoners in the World X Cup finals.

One representative of each team (International, Japan, Mexico and TNA) shared the spotlight, with high-spots and spectacular and innovative moves coming thick and fast.

The end came when TNA’s own Kaz hit a crazy leg drop on Daivari from the metal structure. Kaz’s suicidal move allowed Volodor Jr to climb the rope strands and grab the red X to win the coveted cup for Team Mexico.

Fans voted for a Full Metal Mayhem match in the online stipulation poll, Kurt Angle and Team 3D facing the trio of Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles.

All six men took a battering as tables, chairs, trash cans and ladders joined the fray. Cage and Styles risked life and limb with dangerous high-spots in this thoroughly enjoyable six-man event.

The finish was marred slightly, as Johnny Devine and guest colour man Frank Trigg both ran in to interfere.

Kurt got the pin after Trigg nailed Styles with a kendo stick, surprising the stunned ‘phenomenal one’ with a slam through a nearby table.

The main event proved to be as exciting as it was highly competitive, with very serious champ Samoa Joe taking the fight straight to challenger Booker T.

A noisy, anti-Joe crowd added to a unique match full of surprises.

Both men were left bloodied and a concerned Sharmell got involved. Her private security, TNA referees and the company's own security all took a beating as Joe seemed to finally crack.

He continued to punish the weary Booker, while Sharmell screamed for help and Sting appeared in the entrance way, his trusty baseball bat in hand.

After a brief attempt to calm the crazed Samoan, Sting resorted to a bat shot or two on the TNA figurehead. But a one-finger salute and verbal tirade from Joe proved a step too far for The Stinger.

This led to an unusual finish, Booker capitalising on Sting’s interference and pinning Joe. In the absence of a ref, Sharmell counted to three.

The show ended with an unconscious Joe in the ring and hometown hero Booker T walking away, title belt in hand.

This was a nicely paced TNA PPV.

The grudge matches easily met expectations, the World X Cup action was as superb as ever from a division that only TNA can offer and the Knockouts all proved their worth.

The main event overcame the heavy interference to thrill, excite and entertain with its vicious and controversial booking.

The Sun.co.uk