View Full Version : Torrie Wilson - Blog Update

Black Widow
07-23-2008, 09:08 PM
Former WWE Diva Torrie Wilson recently updated her MySpace.com blog, noting that she has finally returned to the gym after months off following her back surgery. Wilson noted that she cried after her first workout upon realizing how much strength she had lost in the time off but was working hard to return to form. She also noted she visited with several WWE Divas when the company was in town in Texas a few weeks ago.

checking in!

What up?!

Hey! Yes, I know it's been too long since my last blog and I have been hearing about it! Gosh, where do I start? Well, since I last spoke to you all I went to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and had a great time until day 3 when ended up in the hospital acting all crazy! I had gotten a really bad virus or something and finished my trip in the good ole Mexican hospital! Not exactly where anyone wants to be going to the hospital but thankfully I made it out ok and flew home. I didn't shake the darn bug for 3 more weeks after that! ...I couldn't even eat and got wayyy too skinny! That's all behind me now though and I am feeling great!

My back is healing well after surgery and I have started working out again and I couldn't be more happy! I guess I am one of those weird creatures that really LOVES to workout and it has been so hard to stay out of the gym the past 4 months. (YIKES!) I actually cried the first day I went back to the gym because I couldn't believe how much strength I lost and felt like I lost everything I have worked so hard for...but heck there are people out there that have it wayyy worse than me so I definately won't complain! I have since been just working super hard to get into the best shape of my life. Slowly but surely!

My store is doing so good and we are in the process of building the inside of our new, bigger store now. It's so exciting to see something you have worked so hard for really happening and it's just proof that you can do anything you want if you work hard enough!

WWE was in town a few weeks back and some of the girls stayed with me and we got to drink wine all night and talk about how I used to beat Victoria's ass all the time. Well, that is the way I remember it anyway(-: Ha!

One of my brother's, Travis, was just here visiting me and a bunch of us went to Austin to float the river and it was so much fun! I definately recommend doing that if you are ever in Austin. 6th street is also just crazy at night!

Got some other interesting stuff going on that I am so excited about but can't tell you yet...I promise you will be the first one's I tell when I am allowed though!

Have a wonderful day my sweet friends!