View Full Version : Just to say thanks ... and wooo.- Freddie Prinze Jr. Blog

Black Widow
08-01-2008, 02:05 PM
First things first. THANK YOU.


Forgive me for not writing individually but, wow, that was a serious email surprise. Thanks for the love fan nation. (and thanks to the few haters too, lol)

So it is true, I do have a new job and I don't have the words to describe how good it feels. HOWEVER, Will Ferell does, and in the words of Chaz, "I'M JUST LIVING THE DREAM!!!!!!"

...A personal msg to my buddy back in L.A. who said I would never leave hollywood...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (the following is still directed toward my buddy)

So just remember vato, while you're acting on that set, jumping through hoops and worrying about your make-up ... I'll be straight kickin' it with Flair son, WOOOOOOOOOO! OH IN YOUR FACE!!! IN YOUR FACE SON!!! Hey how'd you like doing that interview where you got asked mad personal questions even though they promised they wouldn't, ON NATIONAL TV?!?!?! OH SNAP!!

alright i'm done venting.

SO what does this have to do with wrestling? not much, so here we go.

How sick does the ECW Championship look? I personally love it. I'm sure it will get mixed reviews, but i dig it.

Hardy VS Henry - woah. yes the frying pan was real. yes, the steel bar was real. yes, Mark Henry is no (enter expletive) joke. but matt hardy? Um, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's getting himself into. I've never seen anything less than his best on a PPV.

I don't really want to talk about the Beth/Santino/Freddie Prinze Jr. Love triangle story line that i'm working on, because it's NOT A STORY PEOPLE!!!! OH IT HURTS, BETH!!! Why do you torment me so?! Come on, my mom is italian! And i speak it molto meglio than he does! (think mejor like in spanish ... see not too hard to learn new languages) To those who have no idea what was written it was "MUCH BETTER." Look, it's painful to watch her taunt me like that, but i'm a team player Beth. I'm a team player..... /begins to drink

Ted DiBiase has all the tools. You are watching what will one day be a HUGE star. argue if you want but i know it when i see it.

Final thoughts

...(fan nation sighs in relief)...

If you noticed I haven't blogged much or emailed much since taking this job. Cut the superstars a break, they work more days a week than i do. I won't stop blogging, but it will be a bit less.


Go to Tampa Florida and check out FCW it looks sick now.


I'm not joking. There are less people trying to be wrestlers than actors, the odds alone are in your favor. You want to be creative? ask Jeff Hardy if he gets the chance to express himself? you want to show the world you can act? then come act? Ask Dwayne The Rock Johnson how wrestling worked out for him? "but freddie, i'm into MMA." That's cool, come do it in the wrestling ring. Last time I checked, MMA wasn't banging down your door, and for what anyway? Get your grill re-arranged it 19-20 so when you're 28 and your body hurts you finally get a chance to maybe be on a televised card so you can ...... wait for it ...... wait for it .... MAKE NO DOUGH AND GET YOUR FACE REARRANGED AGAIN!!! only to never be on tv again, because you lost. I can't remember the last time Santino won a match (Tag team don't count) but homey is working. WRESTLING PEOPLE! You know you want some. Now come and get some!

For Fan Nation!