View Full Version : Alec Baldwin Getting Evaluated

King Placebo
06-10-2006, 11:24 AM
Paging Dr. Freud.

Alec Baldwin may have requested last year that his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, be forced to undergo psychological evaluation, but a Los Angeles court has instead ordered the 48-year-old actor to consult a therapist before he is allowed extra visits with his 10-year-old daughter, Ireland, L.A. City News Service reported Friday.

a d v e r t i s e m e n t

Though neither member of the estranged pair was in court today, L.A. Superior Court Commissioner Maren E. Nelson gave Baldwin a week to consider whether he would allow a sit-down with a court-appointed psychologist. Nelson said in court that she wants a professional to help judge whether Baldwin would try to turn his daughter against her mom if they were to spend more time together.

"Whether that is taking place or not, I cannot determine," Nelson said. "Someone, an evaluator, needs to spend time with Ireland and the parents to work on that issue."

According to CNS, the commissioner rejected a request from Baldwin's camp to allow the Hunt for Red October star to pre-interview the psychologist beforehand. Basinger's attorney, Neal Hersh, objected vehemently to the idea, as well, comparing it to a motion to interview a judge before he or she hands down a verdict.

Nelson basically said that such an interview wouldn't be worthwhile and told Baldwin's attorney, Vicki Greene, that she would name a replacement evaluator if Baldwin had a problem with the first one.

After seven years of marriage, Basinger filed for divorce in 2001 and she and Baldwin have been hammering out custody details ever since. Among the personal jabs they've traded, each has accused the other of having a few screws loose.

Baldwin claimed in court documents late last year that Basinger, 52, had "a pathological need" to turn Ireland against him and moved to have the L.A. Confidential star examined by a psychologist and be forced to take parenting classes.

Representing Basinger, Hersh countered the request by stating that the oldest Baldwin brother was the one with the "severe emotional problems."

"Mr. Baldwin's lawyers attempted to cast terrible aspersions toward Kim rather than focusing on the main issue, which is his daughter," Hersh said.

Although it looked in December as if the warring factions had reached some sort of agreement, they were back in court last month to battle it out over whether Baldwin could get some extra time with his daughter this year to make up for a missed visit.

Despite Basinger's objections, Nelson granted Baldwin the surplus visit and he's scheduled to see Ireland in Los Angeles over Father's Day weekend. Then it's back New York, where he's been appearing onstage in Entertaining Mr. Sloane, to start shooting a film.