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08-04-2008, 09:09 PM
News On Kurt & Karen Angle's Reality TV Project

Reported by Andy Steven on 08/04/2008
Footage from a proposed reality series starring Kurt and Karen Angle recently popped up online. The series is being produced by Horizon Entertainment and they recently produced a pilot for the show. It's called The Real Angle. I saw a teaser of the show, but the video is now password protected on the site it's on.

The video trailer features footage from both TNA and WWE, as well as comments from Kurt and Karen Angle discussing Angle's past drug use, his infidelity, Kurt's drug addiction, Karen demanding he leave WWE, Kurt nearly overdosing as his daughter cried for him to wake up, his move to TNA, and more. He also curses up a storm when talking about former boss Vince McMahon.

The video trailer features additional footage of Kurt training for MMA (saying it as a "fight" he's taken), attending his daughter's dance class, babysitting, and being examined for a shoulder injury.

The project appears to be a "deeper" reality show, the complete opposite of Hogan Knows Best.

On the infidelity front, in the trailer Kurt talked about a woman he was cheating on Karen with, who is not identified. The women in question threatened to kill his wife according to Kurt in the video. Back in 2003, a woman by the name of Deann Siden of Inkster, Michigan was accused of harassing Angle (and his wife) as he traveled across the country with WWE. According to a 2003 article, a police chief by the name of Capt. Leo McCarthy said, "She would follow him around from venue to venue and telephone his hotel, telephone his home, cancel his airline reservations, threaten his family and threaten his children. It got very, very serious." According to a police report, "The actor has left numerous phone messages on the victim's answering machine stating that she was having Kurt's baby and that he needed to take responsibility for their child." Karen added, "It's very scary to be told I wasn't going to make it through my pregnancy. I was afraid to go to the grocery store. I went in to have my baby and she was here in Pittsburgh." The women in question was eventually put in jail for some unrelated charges, although police had plans to arrest her for stalking. "This girl has been stalking and harassing me for over a year, terrorizing my whole family," Kurt Angle said. "I'm completely relieved she's in jail now. I want this to be over with.

08-04-2008, 10:11 PM
I saw it(trailer thing) just last night, Dom posted a link for us in the SB:)

The Olympic Chick
08-04-2008, 10:22 PM
I saw it(trailer thing) just last night, Dom posted a link for us in the SB:)

Yeah I just posted the trailer from youtube in the Wrestling live section, if anyone's interested in watching it. I can't wait until it airs some time hopefully in the near future.