View Full Version : Randy Orton Ready to Return

08-08-2008, 12:50 PM
Randy Orton was interviewed on Sky Sports (in the UK) yesterday and said he is medically cleared to wrestle and will be returning any time now.

Orton has been out with a broken collar bone after being dumped straight over the top rope in a match with Triple H on PPV.

08-08-2008, 03:51 PM
Orton vs Cm punk anyone? :agree: I think i'm gonna mark out. woot. In all seriousness, this is the best news i've heard in a few weeks.

08-08-2008, 04:52 PM
I would love Punk vs Orton. :agree:

08-08-2008, 05:30 PM
chances of Evolution with Batista??

08-08-2008, 08:31 PM
What they should do: Keep the Cena vs Batista tag team going for a while, with Cryme tyme as well as a stable. Have Orton return and rally up Dibiase and Rhodes, leading them against Cena's crew. Have Batista turn on Cena during a tag team title match, losing the belts to Rhodes and Dibiase and Batista joining Orton, officially becoming a new evolution. Keep Cena and Batista away from each other in single's but have the two groups (Punk, maybe with a fued against Batista for the title at first, to Cena's team to even it up) fueding with each other, eventually leading to a Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania.

At the same time, while Orton is leading the new Evolution, have Cm Punk retain his belt up until wrestlemania, winning through skill instead of luck after a time. Have Orton win the Royal Rumble to get to face Punk. This way we could have three fueds rolled together in one, with CM Punk vs Orton, Cena vs Batista, and Cryme Tyme vs Rhodes and Dibiase all running at the same time, and two epic Wrestlemania matches coming out of it.

08-08-2008, 10:19 PM
^ Nice idea, I think Orton's return would be quite good because he's a top heel and RAW needs some... JBL can't be there forever.