View Full Version : Urgent advice

08-09-2008, 02:28 AM
I'm madly in love with this gorgeous girl and I don't know what to do. Let me fill you in.
Ivfe known this girl for a long time and we used to hang out at hockey games together with a group of friends. I always had a crush on her and then she liked me, her friends asked if I would go out with her but I was so shy and just plain stupid so I said no and have regreted it ever since.
Now several weeks ago we were at a party we got quite close but I was too chicken to follow up the next day. Well ive been love sick for this girl but im not man enough to ask her out our tell her how I feel. Alot of things have changed since when she first liked me and I dont feel im in her league anymore. what do I do, shes always on my mind.

08-09-2008, 04:12 AM
Just focus and go go talk to her and tell her how you feel. Make sure to keep yourself confident and things should go fine.

08-09-2008, 04:32 AM
^ EeL let the expert handle this one :haha:

Well first off you can never think you are out of her league that is the most important thing. Girls love confidence but dont be too arrogant that is a major turn off. Next time you hang out with her which i suggest should be soon you need to make the first move in any sort of way to grab attention. That is probably the most essential part, the way i read what you wrote is that you are afraid to make the first move which a lot of girls will tell you is key. If you can this is goign to be the hardest part but you have to tell her everything you just told us. Like the you always have had fellings for her but i felt you were too good for me etc.

Hope this helps it got me my girlfriend that i went out for a year with. just keep your hopes and CONFIDENCE up and on a side note this may be contradicting everything I just said but do not try too hard but relaxed and calm about it

08-09-2008, 04:54 AM
well if what you say is true that she liked you then i say first lay the groundwork drop hints and show confidence like chris said

Black Widow
08-09-2008, 04:48 PM
move on its best :shifty:

08-09-2008, 05:23 PM
I'm afraid that if I tell her how I feel she will think I'm coming on too strong and I will get rejected.

Black Widow
08-09-2008, 05:47 PM
i was in the same situation trust me best to move on, there feelings change after a while

08-09-2008, 07:06 PM
Listen to the "expert" Chris then:hmm: His advice seems the best imo, but if kurt was in the same situation maybe you should consider his advice, but not everyone's the same so maybe her feelings didn't change?:think:

08-09-2008, 07:56 PM
Whatever you do, don't just walk up to her & blurt out "I love you!" she'll more than likely freak out! Just take it cool, take her aside on day & tell her you really like her & you'd love to be more than good friends. If she says she's happy with things the way they are, then it's a kick in the balls, but these things happen, enjoy your friendship with this girl & get on with your life. If she says she really likes you too, then you're in there!