View Full Version : Ashley Blog - Strip Clubs, Rain, Moving and Casinos - Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Black Widow
08-19-2008, 11:44 AM
What up yall, damn its been awhile, sorry I was away so long. Everythings been sooooo much better on the home front. Thank you so much for asking and for the well wishes. It takes awhile to figure out whats wrong but when they finally diagnose and start treatment its like amazing things can happen. I'm just in such happy shock. It's a great day.

So, first things first. Hey a-holes that said I was appearing at a strip club last week. Dead wrong. I was no where nmear nor will I ever be, doing a SIGNING and or appearance in a strip club, UI actually found it quite funny while I was at home updating my myspace. All of these so called news sites saying I would be there. Apparently tmz even wanted to talk about it. So crazy! So, for anybody that actually went there to see me and didn;t, I apologize for the lack of responsibility on many peoples parts. If I had known about this sooner I could have tried to fix it before anyone went there to see me. But alas I was alerted to it probably the same time as you guys. So anyone who went to that place to see me. Sorry you got duped, I'll be sure to make another app. soon in NY to make up for that.

So, I was in Atlantic City at the Trump Taj Mahal Saturday night for an appearance and it was off the hook! Thanks for coming down everyone, seriously how much fun was that! And as for the 2 appearances Friday that I wasn't able to make it to, holy cow, every single flight was cancelled! The weather was AWFUL! I spent almost 3 days in the airport. It was brutal never seen any thing like it. So sorry if you came and I wasnt there. Will be made up as soon as possible I promise.

So I moved to the LBC!!! YAY! It's so rad out here! Gorgeous e veryday, who lives in or near Cali on here???

Never thought I'd be a West Coast girl but its just perfect for everything I'm doing these days, kinda gotta be near LA. But Long Beach and San Diego dang, it doesnt feel anything like LA and it could be the most perfect place to live in the world! Got alot of stuff up my sleeve for you guys. Some awesome big stuff but won't be able to tell until Fall but keep those eyes open. I'm going to add one of those calendars to my myspace to tell you where I'll be touring every week. I think I;'m in Denver this weekend so come out all you Colorodians? What? HA

Ok, thats enough for today, I'll add more later. Miss you guys like crazy and looking forward to seeing you on the rd. :o) Ill put up my sched later!




08-19-2008, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the read.