View Full Version : Handcuffed for overdue library books

08-25-2008, 02:44 PM
A US woman has been arrested and handcuffed for failing to pay fines for two overdue library books.

Heidi Dalibor, of Grafton, Wisconsin, is the first to admit that she ignored calls and letters from her local library.

She also admits that she ignored a notice to appear in municipal court or pay the fine, reports the News Graphic.

But the last thing she expected was a knock on her door by Grafton police.

"They showed me a warrant they had for my arrest," said Miss Dalibor, 20. "They said they had to cuff me and I said, 'Are you serious?'"

She said all she could think about was that her neighbours would not know why she was being led away from her home in handcuffs.

Once at the police station, she was fingerprinted and photographed, and the marks and scars on her body recorded.

Police Captain Joe Gabrish says officers follow the same procedure with every warrant.

Library director John Hanson says a couple of dozen people are cited each year for failure to return materials or pay fines.

The incident cost Dalibor about £15 for the two overdue paperbacks - and it cost her mother £85 bail money to free her.


That Rob
08-25-2008, 06:13 PM
Uh oh I have books that are 6 years over due. I was told to go to court never did then I moved away and haven't heard from them since.

*Goes to answer the door*


08-25-2008, 07:45 PM
reminds me of a short story Stephen King did called The Library Police :shock: that scared the living shit out of me LOL

Black Widow
08-25-2008, 08:52 PM
kinky librarian :ryan:

08-25-2008, 09:17 PM
Wow, that's kinda unfair but I guess they want back their books lol.