View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Airs 8/29/08

08-27-2008, 05:24 AM
The Undertaker cuts a promo in the ring, saying Vickie Guerrero is "Unforgiven". The ring posts went up in flames and remained that way as he exited.

*RTruth debuts, defeating Kenny Dykstra. They did a deal where Kenny was mad he didn't get any vignettes. Truth wins with the scissor kick.

*Backstage, Vickie freaks out and breaks a phone.

*WWE Divas champ Michelle McCool got into it with Maryse backstage.

*Maryse & Nattie Neidhart defeated Michelle McCool & Maria when Maryse DDT'd Maria for the pin. The heels then laid out McCool.

*Jeff Hardy pinned MVP but Shelton Benjamin laid them both out.

*Hawkins & Ryder vs. Jesse & Festus ended in a DDQ when Big Show laid out everyone.

*Brie Bella debuted, defeating Victoria with a rollup.

*They show Brian Kendrick backstage with Ezekeil who was reading "The Art of War."

*WWE champ Triple H defeated Shelton Benjamin with the Pedigtree. Great Khali's music hit and he came out for a distraction during the bout.

Dark Match:

*WWE champ Triple H defeated The Great Khali in a Pittsburgh Street Fight.


Bad Boy
08-27-2008, 03:09 PM
what a shitty Smackdown, sounds really really boring...

08-27-2008, 03:43 PM
*Backstage, Vickie freaks out and breaks a phone.

*WWE Divas champ Michelle McCool got into it with Maryse backstage.

Best points of Smackdown!
I'll be watching!

08-27-2008, 06:35 PM
Sounds terrible.

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-30-2008, 06:36 PM
Killings should hv debuted against a stronger opponent

08-30-2008, 06:52 PM
Killings' match was terrible, horrible! He sold too much and Dykstra's promo at the start was even worse. God, I'm so offended that someone else is saying that I'm a bigger star than him!