View Full Version : What Religion Should You Be?

08-28-2008, 12:46 AM
You Should Follow Islam
You believe that there is one true God and that it's your duty to submit to his will.
Life may be trying, unfair, or painful here on earth. But you're waiting for the Paradise in the afterlife.

Religion is the most important thing in your life, and you are fully devoted to God.
You are willing to fast, pray often, and follow all of God's rules to make sure you have a place in heaven.

What Religion Should You Be?

08-28-2008, 12:51 AM
You Should Follow Christianity

You believe in the Holy Trinity, and that Jesus walked the earth as the son of God.
You also believe that all people sin and that God will forgive you for your sins.

Your relationship with God is very important to you.
You strengthen your faith through prayer, worship, and Bible study.

I am a Christian..

08-28-2008, 02:30 AM
You Should Be An Atheist


So it's not really a religion. But that's the whole point.
You don't buy into the whole God thing... or you just don't care.

You may feel very alone in a world full of religious people.
But just remember, atheism has a long and rich intellectual history.

Glorious Maxxwell
08-28-2008, 02:48 PM
You Should Be An Atheist
So it's not really a religion. But that's the whole point.
You don't buy into the whole God thing... or you just don't care.

You may feel very alone in a world full of religious people.
But just remember, atheism has a long and rich intellectual history.

08-28-2008, 08:36 PM
You Should Follow Buddhism


Like Buddhists, you're not concerned with the ideas of god, heaven, or religious purity.
You rather focus on eliminating suffering from your life and developing a deeper sense of compassion.

For you, bliss is something you find within yourself through reflection and meditation.
Everything is temporary, and you don't get to attached to possessions or people.

08-29-2008, 06:49 PM
You Should Be An Atheist


So it's not really a religion. But that's the whole point.
You don't buy into the whole God thing... or you just don't care.

You may feel very alone in a world full of religious people.
But just remember, atheism has a long and rich intellectual history.