View Full Version : Joey Mercury Heading Back to WWE?

08-29-2008, 05:49 AM
Last night MCW held their monthly show and I got a couple of news bits for you. This is my first hand report not second hand from someone else. Joey Matthews during an in ring promo said that he was going back to WWE in December along with partner Christian York. Joey said he spoke with John Laurinitis earlier in the day and he was going back as Joey Mercury. After you guys reported that Kevin Nash left the Impact tapings I wondered if he was still with the company. Kevin said that he still has two months left on his contract, if TNA gives him the money he wants then he'll be staying otherwise hes out the door.

Source: WrestleZone

08-29-2008, 05:52 AM
Nice, Joey Matthews/Mercury and Christian York teaming up in WWE, if that's what they plan on doing, they're one of the best teams on the indy circuit.

08-29-2008, 06:10 AM
I can see it already. Morrison and Miz will be in a tag team title shot or something big, and Mercury and York will show up and screw them, with the storyline being that Mercury is upset that Morrison dumped him and got the Miz instead.