View Full Version : Update On Joey Mercury's Rumored Return to WWE

09-04-2008, 10:26 PM
Speculation continues that Joey Mercury (Matthews) (Adam Birch) will be returning to WWE by January. Joey cut an in ring promo at a recent MCW (Maryland Championship Wrestling) show "announcing" that he was returning to WWE, but in exchanges with myself and friends he suggested that the MCW announcement was or may have been a "work". The only thing that can be confirmed is that he is not taking Independent bookings after 1-1-09. Read into that what you will. Certainly Mercury would be an asset to WWE and why he has not already been offered an opportunity at TNA is a mystery as he would add star power and experience to the TNA X Division and lockeroom. Quite a while ago Joey had a "try-out" in a TNA PPV "dark match" teaming with Johnny Swinger against the Motor City Machine Guns in a very good match, but it lead no where for him nor Swinger. Mercury was released from WWE for a wellness violation. He has been "clean" since. Joey lives in Louisville, KY where he has been active in OVW since it ceased being a WWE Development Promotion.

Source: WZ