View Full Version : WWE Diva Search Not Likely To Return This Year

09-21-2008, 03:42 AM
It doesn't appear that WWE will hold another Diva Search this year. Those within the company are not aware of any contests being held this year, as last year’s didn't go over well in front of live crowds. Plans could change but as of this moment, there is no talk of it returning. On an interesting note, several current WWE divas came from the search including Candice Michelle, Layla, Eve Torres, Maria, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Lena Yada and Tiffany.

Source: PWMania

09-21-2008, 03:52 PM
I think the whole thing is pointless tbh, there's plenty of girls out there who CAN wrestle but aren't being called up by Wwe because they've got 8 pretty faces from the diva search who can barely sell a punch.