View Full Version : Stings Losses?

09-22-2008, 07:24 AM
I was thinking about who will win BFG Main Event, Sting or Joe, as much as I'd love to see Sting win, I'm not sure he will unless he's around for another year, which if he wins and sticks around his reign better last longer than a month.

Sting has to be the most recognised wrestler to not get a decent title reign ever! like two months max. But anyway back to where I was heading. Thinking about the winner got me thinking, if Joe does in fact win, and win cleanly,

it'd be Sting first 1 vs. 1 clean loss in 3 years. This is where i want your help

I know Sting to Jarrett via interference
To Abyss via DQ
To Joe via DQ
and to Angle not sure if it was a clean loss or not

But i can't recall any other losses so if he does lose to Joe cleanly will it be his first/second clean loss in 3years or has there been others?

Flair Country
09-22-2008, 10:39 PM
The only way that I can see Sting winning is if he signs another one year extension. He has a damn good record at BFG over the past couple of years being in the Main Event and winning the Heavyweight Title.

If Sting does take the title away from Joe, it will allow TNA to repackage his image into something that the fans can get behind again. The majority of TNA fans that I know cannot stand Joe's storyline as champ right now and feel that it's hurt his character.

If Joe wins, then I don't really see how TNA will be able to take the belt off of him for a long time. I guess only time will tell though.

09-24-2008, 05:48 AM
Yeah i agree with the he wont win unless he signs another contract, thought i mentioned that? anyway but yeah don't think they'll no contest it so one of them has to win cleanly or not so cleanly :P

Possibly through a return of Steiner he beats Joe holds it for a month max, drops it to Angle, possibly Booker T, or Cage to convince him to stick around

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-24-2008, 08:11 AM
Steiner???? what r u saying man........... and even though Joe sucks as Champion I think he's gonna win tbh

09-24-2008, 11:09 AM
I'm saying that Steiner is going to want a reign before he's finished up and don't think it'll be much longer, sorry you didn't share my optimism i just thought sure he wouldnt be a good champ but he'd be a good stepping stone on the way to one. Plus with him due for return shortly i'd be a quick angle to get him into Joe beats Sting, Steiner being a veteranm can pick up where Sting left off, and make his return by attacking Joe after he's beaten Sting. I dunno just throwing around idea's really a lot better than some creative have come up with as of late

08-12-2009, 06:00 AM
stiener needs to retier