View Full Version : Marrow of security

09-24-2008, 07:55 PM
A security conscious gardener has set up an infra-red forcefield around his allotment - to protect his marrows.

Alun Stocks placed sensors around his plot which activate a box at his house a mile away if any intruder breaks in.

Alun was given the prized marrows by another gardener when he took on a site at the allotment at Longridge.

"To be honest, I'm not actually a fan of marrows," Alun, 34, told the Lancashire Evening Post. "I don't really like them and don't really know what to do with them and so I give them away!"

The idea was to test his firm's new remote alarm system after the allotments were broken into and tools and plants stolen.

He added: "We were trying to work out the furthest distance the signal would transmit, so we stuck up an aerial at my allotment and one on the roof of my house.

"The signal came through no problem. Every time someone walked onto the allotment, it went off."

But he said the laser-protected plot had raised a few interested eyebrows among his green-fingered neighbours.

Account manager Alan said: "They have been very interested to see how the trial went. The cost of food is going up so they want to protect their crops."
