View Full Version : JBL Has A 'Hot Bod'

09-25-2008, 11:56 PM
-- Vitamin Shoppe and BodyTech.com put out a press release regarding a contest at this weekend's Olympia Weekend 2008 expo for one guy and one girl to be selected as the 'hot bods' for Muscle & Body magazine. John Bradshaw Layfield will be visiting the Vitamin Shoppe and Bodytech.com booth, calling him a "well known hot bod" in the press release. Here is what they wrote: "Some well known "hot bods" will be visiting the booth including Rich Gaspari from Gaspari Nutrition, Lee Banks -- NPC National level bodybuilder ranked 2nd in the country, and JBL -- John Bradshaw Layfield the longest reigning WWE Champion as well as a World Tag Team champion, US Champion, Hardcore Champion, European Champion and successful entrepreneur, financial advisor, and radio host of his own show."

09-26-2008, 02:25 AM
are they seeing the same jbl i am?

09-26-2008, 02:27 AM
are they seeing the same jbl i am?

Lol, yeah, I was wondering that myself...

09-26-2008, 02:41 AM
JBL has never had a 'hot bod'. He was decent when he was in APA, but now he's just full of flubber.

09-28-2008, 10:35 AM
H huge
O over
T thebelt

Black Widow
09-28-2008, 12:08 PM
for a second when i seen the thread title on the scrolly i thought eel was saying JBL had a hot body