View Full Version : This Day In History - September 25th

09-26-2008, 07:55 AM
On this day in history in ....

1953 - The legendary Blue Demon scores what is arguably the biggest win of his career, defeating the most popular wrestler in the history of Mexico, archrival El Santo, in two straight falls at the CMLL 20th Anniversary Show in Mexico.

1977 - El Canek defeats Lou Thesz in Mexico City, Mexico to win the UWA World Heavyweight Title.

1977 - Jimmy Valiant wins a tournament to become the first AWA Southern Heavyweight Champion in Louisville, Kentucky. However, there is some controversy over the title, as Lou Thesz was the defending NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion for Nick Gulas' promotion (which was a competitor of the Jerry Jarrett run Mid-Southern area). The controversy was settled when Thesz abandoned his title to go wrestle for Jarrett.

1983 - Brett Wayne Sawyer defeats Larry Zbyszko in Atlanta, Georgia to win the NWA National Heavyweight Title, ending Zbyszko's third reign.

1985 - Terry Taylor defeats Black Bart to win the NWA National Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, Georgia.

1990 - Katsuji Ueda defeats Jimmy Backlund to become the AWA World Light-Heavyweight Champion in Nagoya, Japan. The previous champion, Lee Gak-Soo, had left FMW, where the title was being defended. The AWA had Buck Zumhofe win the title after beating Johnnie Stewart, but then the AWA folded. FMW would keep the belt alive for a while longer on Ueda, then later change it to the WWA Martial Arts Junior Heavyweight Title.

1995 - Week four of the Monday Night Wars saw WCW Monday Nitro on TNT give a spanking to WWF Monday Night Raw on USA Network. Nitro did a 2.7 rating for a show featuring Meng defeating Lex Luger, Kevin Sullivan defeating Randy Savage via DQ, Kurasawa defeating Craig Pittman, and Alex Wright defeating Disco Inferno. Raw pulled a 1.9 for a show headlined by The Undertaker defeating Davey Boy Smith via DQ, The Smoking Gunns defeating Yokozuna & Owen Hart, and Marty Jannetty defeating Bodydonna Skip.

1999 - Steve Bradley defeats Vic Grimes in Memphis, Tennessee to win the Memphis Power Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title for the second time.

1999 - The NWA held their 51st Anniversary show in Charlotte, North Carolina, headlined by Gary Steele defeating Naoya Ogawa and Brian Anthony to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title and a "Legends Match" with Ronnie Garvin defeating Stan Lane.

2002 - NWA: Total Nonstop Action hold's their 13th Pay-per-view event, emanating from the TNA Asylum in Nashville, Tennessee. The show is main evented by BG James defeating Jeff Jarrett via disqualification, X Division Champion Jerry Lynn pinning NWA World Champion Ron Killings in a lumberjack match (the NWA World Title was not on the line) and X-Pac & Scott Hall defeating Elix Skipper & Brian Lawler. However, a two out of three fall match between AJ Styles and Low Ki steals the show, with Ki winning the first fall via submission, before Styles took two falls straight via pinfall.

2006 - Despite a power outage at the start of the show, Raw broadcasts from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Here is our original report on the show:
by Ed Shirreffs

JR welcomes us to Oklahoma City for RAW IS BROWNOUT. The lights don't go on right away and he says it is technical difficulties. They are obviously stalling and they go to Lillian and her mic isn't working. Candice is sent out to stall some more, I think. This is a first round women's tournament match, which I doubt was the reason we couldn't miss the first ten minutes. I would hate to be around Vince right now.

Candice vs. Lita, First Round Match for the Women's Championship

Lita gets on the mic and says she gets to pick the referee. Edge comes out, natch. Edge spears Candice Michelle right away and Lita gets the win. That match was lights out!

Your winner, Lita!

John Cena runs out for the save. Commercial.

Back from the break, Cena is in the middle of a promo and the lights are on.

Cena blames Edge for the power outage to duck Cena. Edge comes out to tell Cena to shut up. Edge says his rematch clause is on his terms, not Cena's. Edge says he is going to celebrate with Lita. Cena says Lita has no D, to use a football analogy. She's had a lot of balls pounded in that endzone. She sounds a lot like the Giants defense! Cena puts over the Sooners. For ten dollars in bus fare, Lita can be yours. Just be prepared for the doctor's bills. The crowd is loving Cena. Lita calls Cena the joke. Edge is the better wrestler, the entire locker room is in fact, even herself. Cena rags on Lita some more. Edge accepts Lita's challenge to wrestle Cena with one hand behind his back. WWE in Mexico. Check out the pics of DX goofing off on the WWE website, it is well worth it.

Kane vs. Johnny Nitro for the Intercontinental Championship

Before the match, a replay of the Kane-Umaga match/confrontation is shown. This is Nitro's third defense in eight days. He's a fighting champion. Kane starts by throwing Nitro right out of the ring. Side slam by Kane after an Irish Whip into the corner. Nitro clips Kane while Melina distracts him. Nitro works over that leg in the corner. Kane throws him out of the ring again. Nitro recovers and goes to the top but Kane gives him a big boot as he comes down. Umaga, who was supposedly banned from ringside, comes down and attacks Kane with a steel chair. Whipsplash in the corner by Umaga. Umaga crushes Kane's skull with the steel steps. Estrada tells Kane never to touch him again.

Your winner by disqualification, Kane!

DX is in the back looking at WWE magazine, specifically HHH's piece. He talks about his wacky facial hair. HBK wonders why there is no ad for the DX merch, so they shill for shopzone. Maria comes up to get their thoughts on them being in the gauntlet. Maria is confused by the catchphrase. HHH offers a visual aid, but HBK puts the kibosh on that. Eugene comes up to Maria. He faints when she whispers the catchphrase into his ear.

This Week in Wrestling History, on September 23, 1977, Andre the Giant and Gorilla Monsoon...box? Andre put Monsoon out for the win. Shelton and Coach are talking. Coach wants to know if Shelton was trying to embarrass him last week with his racial comments. Coach claims Shelton never capitalized on his chances. Coach claims Vince's hero is MLK, Jr. He tells Benjamin he should have come to him. Shelton calls him a 'whitewash' and says Dick Cheney has more soul than him. Hardy comes up and speaks ebonics.

Coach makes a match between the two. Edge comes up and wants Coach to make the match official. Not only does he do that, he makes it a no holds barred match. However, Cena is not allowed to lay one finger on Cena, or he will lose his rematch.

Back from break, a promo for Cena on Smackdown is shown.

Spirit Squad is in the ring as Ric Flair comes to the ring.

Ric Flair vs. Mikey of the Spirit Squad

Mikey gets a headlock but Flair counters with an arm drag and a strut. Mikey hits some shots to Flair's head. He works on Flair in the corner. Flair reverses and hits some chops. Mikey hits a dropkick for two. Mikey chokes Flair in the corner. Scoop slam by Mikey and a forearm from the second rope. He kicks Flair some more in the corner. He slaps Flair, but Flair chops him. The trade punches. Reverse elbow to Flair as he comes off the ropes. Flair with more chops. Knee drop by Flair and a chop block. Flair goes for the figure four, but Nicky runs in. He is immediately thrown out. Flair rolls up Mikey with some help from the tights for the win.

Your winner, Ric Flair!

Post match, Kenny is seething. Commercial.

John Cena is shown on MadTV. The episode airs this Saturday.

DX is out for the Gauntlet match. They do their spiel before the match, and get a big ovation. They show a recap of the HIAC match to show why the McMahon's aren't there.

Degeneration X vs. The Highlanders

The Highlanders are a surprise first entrant. HHH distracts Robbie so HBK can nail Rory with Sweet Chin Music. Robbie gets a pedigree.

Your winners, Degeneration X

DX vs, Charlie Haas & Viscera

Haas and HHH start out. Haas hits some punches in the corner. HHH counters an irish whip with a clothesline. Haas is thrown into HBK's boot. Michaels tags in but Haas takes over in the corner with more punches and a charge to the stomach. Michaels hits a few chops in the corner. Thumb to the eye by Haas. Vis tags in. He gives Michaels the Boss Man Slam. Vis gyrates. Right hand by Viscera. Clothesline by Viscera gets two. Commercial.

Back from break, Michaels is fighting out of a Haas submission. Haas knocks him back down and punches Vis. Viscera accidentally splashes Haas. HHH tags in and hits some right hands. Vis misses a splash. Facebuster by HHH.

A double clothesline knocks him down. Haas gets a pedigree and Vis gets Sweet Chin Music. Vis falls on Haas. DX sits on them and gets the pin.

Your winners, Degeneration X!

DX vs. Cade & Murdoch

The immediately brawl. DX gets the better of it. Michaels hits a flying forearm and atomic drop on Cade. Cade hits a low blow and tags in Murdoch. Murdoch dumps Michaels from the ring as Cade distracts him. HHH comes over and joins in on the brawl. Michaels is thrown into the ring post. Murdoch and Cade double team HHH and throw him into the ring steps. Michaels hits a low blow to escape Murdoch holding him for a steel chair shot. Cade gets an inverted atomic drop and HHH nails him with a chair. The bell rings, but no winner is announced, so it is a no contest. Commercial.

It's Cryme Tyme! A man is making an ATM withdraw. Shad Gaspard gives the poor man a big boot as they train for intensity. White boy got straight up laid out.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin

Lock up to start, Shelton gets a headlock then shoulderblock. Another shoulderblock. Hardy hits an arm drag. Shelton punches Hardy. Hardy is backdropped onto the apron. Shelton uses the hair to get the advantage and punches his chest before knocking him off. Kick in the corner by Shelton. Scoop slam on Hardy and he chokes him with the boot. Chinlock by Shelton. Hardy fights out and hits some clotheslines. Whisper in the Wind gets two. Hardy goes to the top. Shelton leaps clear to the top of the rope to block him. Hardy pushes him off and hits the Swanton. Benjamin gets a foot on the rope to break the count. Shelton holds onto the ropes to block a Twist of Fate. Shelton gets cocky and falls prey to an inside cradle.

Your winner, Jeff Hardy!

Shill for the Marine and Brooke Hogan's CD.

Randy Orton & Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy & Carlito

Carlito and Masters start off. Carlito hits some chops in the corner. Masters gets a knee to the gut. Carlito gets a dropkick for a one count. Crazy tags in. Crazy hits a dropkick off the second rope. Masters powerbombs Crazy to counter the punches in the corner. Orton tags in. He pounces on Crazy and gets a headlock, really working it and wrenching the neck. Crazy hits a huracanrana. Masters and Carlito are tagged in. Masters catches a crossbody but Carlito gets out of it. Carlito hits a springboard back elbow on Masters, a Million Dollar Knee Lift on Orton and a flapjack on Masters. Crazy hits a dropkick on Orton, but misses a moonsault. Orton hits a backbreaker. Masters goes for the Masterlock on Carlito. He can't lock it in and Carlito flips over for a backcracker and the win.

Your winners, Carlito & Super Crazy!

Orton hits the ring after the match and nails Carlito with an RKO. Commercial.

Coach is in the ring and he brings out Eric Bischoff. He is holding his book, Controversy Creates Ca$h. He says the truth in his book is going to piss off McMahon. He says RAW exists like it does today because of Nitro. No DX without the nWo. No Mr. McMahon without Eric Bischoff. While he is ranting, Coach's music hits. Lita's music hits and she and Edge come out for her match. Commercial.

Lita vs. John Cena with one hand tied behind his back

It is Cena's right hand being tied behind his back. Lita pokes Cena in the eye and hits a low blow. She slaps Cena. He blocks another slap and hits a one armed FU.

Your winner, John Cena!

Finlay and Regal hit the ring with King Booker. Cena tries to attack, but he is fighting with one arm. He gets hit with the shillelagh. Cena goes for the Flair crotch claw, but is quickly overwhelmed again. Booker gets on the mic and berates Cena for thinking he can show up in the Smackdown kingdom. Booker wants Cena to kiss his royal feet. He again tries to fight out, but it is three on one. Booker hits the Axe Kick. Booker takes his boot off. Cena's face is shoved into it. Tune into Smackdown to see if Cena can get his revenge! Edge comes in the ring and wants to cash in his rematch clause next week...in a steel cage!

Next week on RAW, John Cena vs. Edge for the WWE Championship in a Steel Cage match!

Thoughts: Heaven help the poor people who had to deal with Vince tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't run that building for awhile...The crowd was into everything Cena said and did...A lot of the segments were flowing into each other, which made the show a lot more fast paced. I don't know whose idea that was, but they should do it more often. It saves more time and we don't keep seeing the same people over again. The commercial breaks seemed shorter, too...I hope we aren't seeing another Shelton losing streak...It would have been hilarious if Bischoff had a banana peel on his shoulder when he came out...The show really dragged in the second hour.
