View Full Version : Man sues doctors who cut off his penis

09-27-2008, 05:31 PM
A Tennessee man is suing doctors who amputed his penis without his consent.

Philip Seaton, 61, of Shelby County, was in hospital for a circumcision, reports WLKY.

But when he awoke from the operation, he realised his penis had been amputated.

Surgeons at the hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, said they had to take the drastic action after discovering a life-threatening cancer.

But, in his lawsuit, Mr Seaton says he has suffered mental anguish, pain, and lost the enjoyment of life.

The lawsuit was filed in Shelby County court against surgeon Dr John Patterson and anaesthetist Dr Oliver James.

Mr Seaton's lawyer Kevin George said: "Sometimes you have an emergency and you have to do this, but he could very easily closed him up and said, 'Here are your options. You have cancer,' and the family would have said, 'We want a second opinion. This is a big deal'."


09-29-2008, 10:48 AM
umm. im not the type to sue . this is worthy of a hail of bullits . i just saw something on tv about this and this man is gonna be rich beyond his wildest dreams . rich w/ no dick .

10-02-2008, 10:02 PM
Hmmmm dont they have to have permission first? i will need an update on this story lol

10-02-2008, 10:05 PM
Yeah, he deserves to get a big pay out for this. All they had to do is revive him, and ask his permission, or whatever. They could have avoided this easily.

10-02-2008, 11:00 PM
I wonder if he was a virgin, if so he's fucked lol....

10-02-2008, 11:21 PM
I wonder if he was a virgin, if so he's fucked lol....

Well, he was 61, so, I highly doubt it, lol... and if he was, I don't think having or not having a penis would make a difference if he hadn't got any by then, lol.

10-06-2008, 03:36 AM
He is going to get a huge payout for this... That is something the doctor would have HAD to have had permission to carry out.

They could have ended the operation, and the doctor explained to him what he had found during the operation, and what his options are... He may have chosen to let the cancer continue to grow rather than have his penis chopped off