View Full Version : Graffiti wall vandalised

10-16-2008, 09:13 PM
A wall built for teenage graffiti artists has been vandalised - by an angry resident writing: "I paid my tax and all I got was this lousy wall."

The £3,000 6ft high by 30ft long wall was installed so youths could practice graffiti without using local property, reports The Sun.

But ahead of its opening, a fed-up resident sneaked behind a security fence and daubed a protest about the use of taxpayer's money.

The wall, in Wadebridge, Cornwall, was funded by Wadebridge Town Council, Wadebridge Town Forum and North Cornwall District Council.

It was built in the town's Jubilee Park and was the brainchild of Sergeant Robin Moorcroft who has vowed to investigate the graffiti.

"The ironic thing is that the wall has been built thanks to the generosity of local people giving time and resources for free," he said.

"But it is now going to cost the taxpayer, as we will have to crime it, investigate it and paint over it.

"We have been working hard to try to provide something positive for the community and this coward and their juvenile delinquent act has set a terrible example to the youth of the town."

But one resident added: "I suppose you could say the writing is on the wall. People around here think the money could be better spent on more worthy projects."


10-17-2008, 05:27 AM
isnt it ironic.....dont you think?

Black Widow
10-19-2008, 08:06 AM
thanks for posting