View Full Version : Early Smackdown Report

Black Widow
10-17-2008, 11:31 PM
-WWE Open
-Highlights of the end of last weeks Big Show/HHH title match
-Smackdown Open

-Jim Ross and Tazz welcome us to the show and announce that in addition to the main event of Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov, the Colon Brothers will also defend the tag team titles against the former champions Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder.

-The Big Show comes out to the ring flanked by Chavo Guerrero. He says that "this is going to end very very bad" and that it will end "very very very" bad for the Undertaker. He mocks the Undertaker saying that Taker probably wants him to "burn in hell" (doing it in a deep UT like voice) but UT should be careful what he wishes for. He says he questioned Undertaker's chin and he proved it when he knocked him out and is not happy that Taker interrupted the title match last when he "had Triple H beat." Big Show asks if he knocked the Undertaker stupid, because he and Taker will have a match at Cyber Sunday where the "WWE Universe" (god am I sick of that term already) gets to vote on WWE.com (unlike the rest of the card that is text vote only). The choices are, a Last Man Standing Match, an "I Quit" Match (which Show describes as Vickie Guerrero's choice) or a Knock Out match. Show says he has, under contract 3 wrestlers to demonstrate the choices the fans have. Show calls out the first local wrestler.

1a. Big Show vs. Local Wrestler 1 (Knock Out Match)- Show pounded on the guy for a few moments before Ko'ing him with the right hand punch. Match was declared over and Show dragged the dude out of the ring to the floor and called for the second opponent.

1b. Big Show vs. Local Wrestler 2 (I Quit Match)- Show quickly locked in the cobra clutch and Chavo held a mic for the kid to say "I Quit" and he did. After the kid quit, Show chucked and spun him around in the air.

1c. Big Show vs. Local Wrestler 3 (Last Man Standing Match)- While the final guy came to the ring, looking like a mix of Colin Delaney and Frankie Kazarian, Gregory Helms popped up in the corner of the scream saying "hey sideburns, did you see what happened to the first two? I'm just sayin'." Show knocked the guy down with a clothesline and told Chavo to get a table. While Chavo retrieved and set the table up, Show laid in three wicked over hand chops to the chest. When the table was finally set up in the ring, Show choke slammed the kid through the table and the ref counted to 10 for Shows third victory.

-Afterwards, Show asked for the mic and said simply, "Any questions? I didn't think so." Show then left. Interesting note, they are pushing all three matches as "favouring" the Big Show...I get the KO match...but shouldn't UT resilience make him a fave in the Last Man Standing match? And if Vickie is for the "I Quit" match, does that mean that's the one there are pushing? Do they want to give UT a chance to maybe "legally" use the gogoplata? Also, since it's a "web vote" does that mean that they're more willing to "fix" the voting in that match? I mean, since there is a charge for the text voting matches ($.99), if they decided to "fix" those, it could be illegal. A free online vote...who cares? I'm just sayin'.

-Carlito and Primo are shown walking backstage.


2. WWE Tag Team Title Match: Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder vs. (WWE Tag Team Champions) Carlito and Primo Colon- Primo and Ryder start off with Ryder putting Primo in an arm ringer. Primo spun out and swept the legs out from under Ryder. Primo hit a reverse crossbody off the second rope and got a near fall. Carlito tagged in and Primo hit a drop toe-hold on Ryder while Carltio came rebounding off the ropes with a leg drop and got a 2 count. Carltio went to the apron and Hawkins came at him, was blocked, and that allowed Ryder to knock Carltio off the apron and to the floor. Hawkins tagged in and went to the outside to ram Carly back first into the ring. He threw Carly back in and went for a pin fall. Carlito kicked out and Hawkins them attempted two more pins but only got a 2 count on each of those. Hawkins applied a rear waste lock on Carltio who fought out quickly and hit a "roll of the dice" swinging neckbreaker. Both men made the tag to their partners and Primo came in and took down Ryder. A back elbow, dropkick and a neckbreaker got a near fall that Hawkins broke up. Carlito came in to clear the ring of Hawkins and while Ryder was distracted by those two on the outside, Primo climbed to the top and came off with a missile dropkick on Ryder for the pin to retain the tag titles.

-One of the John Cena videos from last week aired.

-MVP was backstage with Eve. She asked him about his strategy tonight in his match against R-Truth. MVP said he may have struggled lately but he was forced into tag matches and tag matches don't count (wow...thanks WWE for finally stating your stance on that). He said tonight's the night and with a win he'll cash in on his incentives clause and tonight in the casinos he will be "straight up...BALLIN'!"

-The first confrontation between Hardy and Kozlov from last month is shown.


-MVP makes his way to the ring and after that, R-Truth comes out rapping.


3. Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP) vs. R-Truth- Truth starts out and gets the early advantage with a hip toss. Shelton Benjamin is shown watching the match backstage. Truth got hung out on the top rope back first and dropped down over it by MVP which sent Truth to the floor. MVP quickly went out to grab him and toss him back in the ring for a quick pin attempt that yielded a 2 count. Truth came back with a fury of right hands and a clothesline but MVP stopped the momentum with a neckbreaker and followed up with a cover for a 2 count. MVP went for the Drive By kick but Truth did the splits to duck under. Truth then caught MVP in the mid section with a blow, doubling MVP over. Truth then hit the Axe Kick and got the 3 count. Shelton was show backstage again, looking displeased at the result of the match.

-Backstage in the GMs office, Vickie Guerrero was complaining about the pain in her neck and being tired of being in the wheelchair. She then asked Big Show, "Is he here yet" and Show didn't know. A knock on the door was heard and Vickie said for the person to come in. It was "Kung Fu Naki" who Show quickly scared out of the room. Another knock delivered Maryse who was dressed in a French Maid's outfit. She said that she didn't know why she was in a Diva's Las Vegas match tonight because she already has pinned Michelle McCool on ECW and deserves another shot. Vickie said there will be fuzzy dice on a poll and the winner gets a Diva's title match. Vickie told her to hit the bricks and then another knock came. This time it was The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh, the people Vickie was waiting for. Vickie talked about how impressed at how dominant Khali is and that tonight she wanted to reward him with a match. When Khali asked (though Singh) who his opponent was, Vickie told him it was the Undertaker. Khali barked in his native tongue which Singh translated that Khali wasn't Vickie's puppet. Show got in Khali's face and told Khali he's better do what is asked or Vickie will make things very unpleasant for him (Khali).


The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson made their way to the ring. Big Zeke was dressed for action, wearing short trunks and boots. Kendrick said he's here to bring grave news, that on his way into Vegas he felt a "tickle" in the back of his throat. He said he went to the doctors and they said he had a severe infection and he couldn't compete against Super Crazy tonight. He said it was a good news bad news situation, because while Crazy won't get embarrassed by Kendrick, he has found a suitable replacement in his associate, Ezekiel Jackson.

4. Ezekiel Jackson vs. Super Crazy- Quick squash with Big Zeke winning with a big Ura Nage Slam. After the match, Kendrick, feeling better, hit the former Sliced Bread #2 aka The Kendrick on Crazy for good measure.


-Triple H is interviewed by Eve backstage. Eve shows a clip of the end of last weeks match and Triple H says it just shows how badly people want a shot at the WWE title. He talks about the Cyber Sunday match and says that Jeff Hardy might not even make it to Cyber Sunday, but regardless, when you come for the title, you have to go through The Game to get it and if you do you will find out why he has so many nicknames (well, actually, he just said them) and that he is "That damn good."

5. Undertaker vs. The Great Khali (w/ Ranjin Singh)- Khali shoves Taker down to start the match but Taker gets up quickly and fires away with right hands on the Punjabi giant but gets put in a side headlock (see, Khali knows wrestling holds...at least one). Taker fights out with more punches but gets kicked by Khali. The two trade punches but Taker gets the better of it an Khali comes back with a clothesline to take the Dead Man down. Khali then performs an ugly ass body slam on taker and drops a big leg followed by a cover and a 2 count by the ref. Khali decides the frantic pace of the match is too much and decides to slow it down with the never hold. Taker fights out of that quickly with elbows the gut and more punches, but Khali hits the big Khali head chop and gets another 2 count. Khali applies the vice grip but Undertaker throws a series of lefts and rights and then an uppercut to break the hold. Taker nails his trademark leaping clothesline and apparently the Big Show had seen enough as he comes storming to the ring. Show gets in the ring and choke slams Taker. He then goes to the outside and gets a chair. Show gets on the apron and yells at Khali to take the chair and hit Undertaker with it. When Khali just stares at him, Show calls Khali stupid. Khali I guess understands that word because he walks over to show and slaps the chair out of Show's hands and stares him down. Khali then leaves. Show gets in the ring yelling back at the departing Khali, not realising that behind him Taker has sat up and now has the chair. Taker nails Show over the back with the chair and sends the giant over the top rope and to the outside. Show departs as Taker poses (and he does look to be in serious pain when he does his "on one knee" pose).


-JR announces that next week Triple H will go one on one with The Undertaker (non title I assume).

6. "Divas Las Vegas" Match (Gimmick on a Pole): Maria vs. Maryse vs. Natalya vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella- Short, nothing match that was basically the girls going for the enormous "fuzzy dice" that were on a pole in the corner. No Bella trickery here. Maryse tried to get to the dice last, but Maria knocked her off the ropes and got the dice and the win. Pointless and a waste of time. I'd almost have rather 5 more minutes of Taker/Khali...seriously.

-Another recap of an encounter between Hardy and Kozlov.


-The John Cena video that aired on RAW this week.

7. Jesse and Festus vs. Ryan Braddock and Kenny Dykstra- Festus starts of with a big biel on Braddock. Jesse tags in and hits a running back elbow that knocks Braddock down and Jesse goes for a pin and only gets a one count. Jesse gets Braddock down with a side headlock take over. Braddock gets back to his feet and nails a belly to back suplex. A tag is made and Kenny takes Jesse down, Braddock is tagged back in and he nails a big knee drop and gets a near fall. Kenny is tagged and comes off the top with a fist to the back and then applies a rear chin lock ( Gregory Helms appears again saying that Kenny "loses almost as much as MVP...almost."). Jesse gets to the corner and makes the tag to Festus. Festus comes in and hits a fall away slam on Kenny. Festus then hits the horizontal Thez Press on Dykstra but Braddock breaks up the pin. Jesse comes in and Braddock charges him and gets low bridged over the top rope. Festus then hits the one man flapjack on Kenny for the pin fall.

-Again we see the HHH/Hardy/Kozlov confrontation from last week.


-Backstage Maria is walking around when she runs into Michelle McCool who congratulates her on Maria's win and says it will be a honour to defend the Diva's title against her...and then she gives Maria a pinch of the cheek. Maria is more confused than normal, when Jesse and Festus approach her. Jesse says Festus has something for her and Festus gives Maria one little flower. Maria says she loves Flowers and "Thank You." After getting nothing more than a stare in return, she was "thank you" again. Still nothing. Jesse claims they need to get going because they have tickets to see Wayne Newton. Another segment that had me wishing for a longer Khali/Undertaker match.

-Triple H makes he was out to the commentator's table.

8. Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov- A very short match that clearly was done to protect Kozlov from being exposed. Kozlov knocks Hardy down right away with a powerful kick to the gut. After a few short should thrusts to Hardy in the corner, Kozlov comes charging by Hardy gets his knees up. Hardy tries to get on the offensive but is quickly derailed by a big shoulder tackle. The crowd does a "USA" chant/ Kozlov picks Hardy up and then elevates him into a fireman's carry and then lays him on the ropes stomach first (very odd looking way to get to that position). After a few headbutts to Hardy's back, Kozlov picks Hardy off the ropes onto his shoulder and hits a running powerslam for a 2 count. Kozlov then tosses Hardy two separate times, shoulder first into the ring post.


Back from break Kozlov has Hardy in a kimura trying to get the submission. Hardy gets to his feet but is sent back to the mat with a nice judo throw. Kozlov goes back to the kimura/key lock and when Hardy gets to his feet, Kozlov goes Al Snow (who I'm sure did a lot of his training) with the trapped arms/headbutt gimmick and a belly to belly suplex. After all his big impact moves, Kozlov looks over to Triple H at the announce table.. Hardy is whipped into the corner but runs up the turnbuckles and hits the Whisper in the Wind. Hardy then hits to move for a second time taking Kozlov down. Hardy climbs to the top but Kozlov gets to his feet. Hardy jumps over him and then hits the spinning mule kick, knocking Kozlov back into the ropes, but when Hardy gets to his feet, Kozlov comes rebounding from the ropes and nails Hardy with a headbutt to the chest and then gets the 1-2-3 for the victory.

After the match Triple H gets up from the announce table and gets in the ring to have a stare down with the Moscow Mauler as the show ends.

