View Full Version : Backstage Concern Over TNA Live Event Attendance

Black Widow
10-19-2008, 02:41 PM
It should be noted that there has been some concern expressed internally within TNA over house show business according TNAWrestlingNews.com sources. While TNA's shows have been considered largely successful economically - as in two nights not being profitable, but adding a third the tours would become profitable - business the last month has been noticeably down.

In some markets, they draw only slightly better than Ring of Honor and considering that they have bigger star power and two hours of prime time weekly TV on Spike, drawing crowds in the same range as ROH is not considered good at all. Whether or not they will change up the format of live events remains to be seen to get things rolling again.


10-19-2008, 08:49 PM
Thanks for posting this.

10-20-2008, 04:31 AM
Filming live would help a lot I think. It would give the fans that 'real' vibe that RAW has. To me, that's why Smackdown seems like a lesser show. Same goes for ECW and Impact.