View Full Version : iMPACT! *Spoilers* for 10/30

Flair Country
10-28-2008, 03:09 PM
AJ & Joe come out and cut a promo on the MEM. Joe said three of the members were the reason why a former wrestling promotion went out of business. He also mentioned Dixie by name and said she brought Kurt in and put him on a pedestal. Lethal, Creed, ODB, Eric Young, and Petey came out to support AJ & Joe, and then the Guns music hit and they came out. Shelley asked Joe why they should join, and what has Joe ever done for them... which led to Joe slapping Shelley and then the group had to hold the two back (BTW, Joe called Shelley 'Patrick' once laugh.gif ). The Main Event Mafia then came out (suits and all, and they have a Godfather-style theme) and did their typical rant (was not paying a whole lot of attention at the time).

- Christy Hemme & ODB d. The Beautiful People (ODB pinned Velvet Sky)

- Eric Young d. James Storm. Roode accidentaly spit beer in Storm's face which led to EY getting the pin. Roode and Storm then started a beatdown on him but the Guns made the save.

- Motor City Machine Guns d. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Volador Jr. Good match. Bashir did commentary and after the match he got in the ring and started yelling at Tanahashi & Volador. Rhino made the save and hit the Gore on him.

- AJ Styles & Samoa Joe d. Booker T & Kevin Nash (AJ hit the Pele on Booker and got the pin). Lethal, Creed, ODB, EY, Petey, and the Guns came out to celebrate the win (AJ and Shelley shook hands).

- Mick Foley came out and announced Joe vs. Nash and AJ vs. Sting for Turning Point. He then asked Sting to come out so they could talk. Mick told him Sting put him on the map and it hurt him to see him out there with the MEM last week beating down AJ & Joe. Don't really remember what Sting said, but it wasn't anything important.

- Abyss d. Kurt Angle by DQ after Angle hit him with a chair. He got Abyss back in the ring and in an ankle lock but Morgan made the save. Booker and Nash came out and beat him down, and then AJ, Joe, Creed, EY, Petey, and the Guns came to run them out of the ring. Steiner then came from behind and took everyone down with a steel pipe (including Petey, heh). This led to Angle, Nash, and Booker getting back in the ring for the beatdown, and then Sting came out. He helped AJ up and gave him a Scorpion Death Drop. The MEM stood tall to close out the show.

- Jay Lethal d. Robert Roode for Xplosion.


10-28-2008, 04:37 PM
:no: Why do The Beautiful People always lose:sad:

10-28-2008, 08:00 PM
if scott steiners the new member that would be great

10-28-2008, 09:25 PM
it looks like its now


Steiner, Angle, Booker, Sting and Nash

New Kids

Joe, AJ, MCMG, Young, Petey and Creed (expect Kaz to join on return if he is back before its all done)

10-29-2008, 06:46 AM
thanks for this dave