View Full Version : Spock's planet may exist

10-30-2008, 01:21 AM
The fictional home planet of Star Trek's Mr Spock may really exist.

A powerful telescope found rocky worlds around the star, Epsilon Eridani, which Spock's planet Vulcan orbits in the TV show.

Epsilon Eridani is surrounded by two bands of rocky and metal fragments like the asteroid belt that lies beyond Mars, reports The Sun.

Nasa experts believe if they are there, rocky planets like Earth must be there too. It boosts the chance that this new solar system could be inhabited.

Nasa expert Marc Kuchner said: "I wouldn't be surprised if seven or eight planets orbit Epsilon Eridani. One of these could be habitable."


10-30-2008, 08:31 PM
thats some crazy news thanks for the read Eel