View Full Version : TNA Old v Young feud

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-30-2008, 08:27 AM
Well I guys I was just thinking about it and this feud seems pretty similar to the one we had back in WCW between the New Blood and the Millionaire's Club. Although that feud was a hit initially it bombed pretty bad in th end. Interesting to note that Russo was involved even then. So where do you think this feud will go??? Wil it go the same way??? We have already seen the fans cheer Sting instead of booing him. Plus the Main Event Maafia lloks more like the nWo with 4 of the 5 guys having been a part of the faction atleast once(Wolfpac or otherwise). Sp will this do what it did to the WCW or will it really propel TNA up??? What do you think???

10-30-2008, 10:35 AM
its going to fail. ask sting himself lol

Flair Country
10-30-2008, 03:22 PM
I think it will do pretty well with the current TNA fans that want to see AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley etc. get moved up into the main event picture. Will it propel TNA to larger ratings than it's ever seen before? Probably not. As long as they write it well and the events make sense then I think it will work fine. That's been the biggest problem as of late is that TNA's stories/matches aren't written well and don't make a lot of sense.

10-31-2008, 01:17 AM
The idea sounds successful, but Tna (as usual) are screwing it up. They've only included two "TNA originals", Joe and AJ. Against the 4 main event mafia. Bring back Christopher Daniels and Lo Ki and I'll be satisfied :D

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-31-2008, 05:31 AM
yeah Man Daniels shouldnt be wasted as CurryMan. Also, I hope they get MCMG and maybe Kaz into this along with Lethal. They should also bring 3D into the MEM and have Beer Money feud LAX/Abyss and Morgan for the tag titles.

11-01-2008, 06:24 AM
I think the point of moving 3D into the Main Event Mafia is an excellant one,only I wouldn't have "Beer Money" feuding with LAX/Morgan&Abyss for the titles though.

"Beer Money" would be an excellant choice to put into the "New Bloods",as Rood&Storm have been around TNA for quite some time,and have never gotten a decent enough push when it comes to championship reigns(thanks in part to...yep,thats right!Former WWE/WCW:stfu: guys!),and a feud with 3D for the tag titles would further thier "New Blood" roles so to speak(BUT,TNA would never,ever allow this because "Beer Money" are "Heel" characters!)

11-01-2008, 06:51 AM
As soon as they announced the Main Event Mafia, I just groaned and thought it is Millionaires Club vs New Blood all over again - and look how well that turned out.

Hopefully TNA can go something different with the idea and make it work better, I would love to see MCMG pushed more into the frontlines though...

11-01-2008, 11:45 PM
what was with the way booker was talking though that was messed?

and it better be billed right or it is gonna sink

11-03-2008, 05:30 AM
3D shouldn't be within 50 feet of the MEM. Sure they have held about a thousand tag titles, but neither of them is a main eventer. If I were booking the angle, every member would be a former world champion.

Flair Country
11-03-2008, 09:14 PM
3D shouldn't be within 50 feet of the MEM. Sure they have held about a thousand tag titles, but neither of them is a main eventer. If I were booking the angle, every member would be a former world champion.

That's a good point. I would also define better what the AJ & Joe team is supposed to be. Are they the TNA originals or are they the young guys? It seems like they throw these terms around interchangeably, but it is an absolute travesty if they are supposed to be the originals that they haven't brought back Christopher Daniels yet.

12-15-2008, 11:07 PM
not the best storyline by far