View Full Version : Child of The 80's UK Version

06-18-2006, 07:12 PM
1. You wore your hair shaved at one side and a long on the other (see Human League)

2. You went out in 'peddle pushers' 'rara skirt' frilly blouse (girls and guys) with a band tied round your head ..... you WERE a new romantic!

3. You fancied George Michael and Andrew Ridgely from Wham .... this was before Michael's toilet bum chumming!

4. All the local discos had revolving dance floors and you drank lager and black.

5. Wham's rap songs were better than any black rap group you'd heard!

6. You owned a ford Capri and furry dice!

7. You gelled your long afro hair with 4 buckets of 'curl de-activator - had oil marks down your shirt and wore a shower cap in bed.

8. Most of your friends had brown hair in the UK (where have all the brown haired kids gone in UK?)

9. You thought you looked cool as you body-popped around the dance floor

10. You remember when Madonna was 'like a virgin'

11. You had your hair long at the back and cut short over your ears - or had one of those long thin pony tails at the back of your head when the rest of your hair was short.

12. You wore pink and brown eye shadow - together - half brown - half pink!

13. It was really cool to drink cocktails

14. Your boyfriend was a MOD - rode a 50cc Vespa and wore a green army parka - even in summer

15. You were the girlfriend of the MOD - (MODETTE)and owned only black and white clothes (and checked shoes)

16. You believed the kids programme ' Space 1999' flying cars etc

17. Wursel Gummidge was so cool - able to swap heads - how cool is that and as for Aunt Sally ....

18. Den and Angie were together

19. Top of the pops had a dance group called 'Legs and Co'

20. You owned a hi-fi - and a Pac-Man game!

21. Your mum went shopping with her rollers in

22. You knew all your neighbours

23. Owning a 10 speed racer bike (prefably raleigh) was the height of 'coolness'

24. There were no overweight kids in your class

25. McDonalds had not arrived in UK - hamburgers were the frozen or homemade kind - eaten with baked beans

26. Fast food was a bag of chips from the local chippie with free fish bits!

27. You had been left more than once in the pub grounds/car parks while you parents were inside - you had to bang on a wooden shuttered window if you want a bottle of 'pop' and a bag of crisp. .... and God forbid if you needed the loos and had to get your mum to come and walk you through the pub!