View Full Version : Brit accidentally becomes Spanish mayor

11-01-2008, 03:38 PM
A British expat who speaks only a few words of Spanish has become the "accidental mayor" of a town on the Costa Blanca.

Mark Lewis, 58, has been left in charge in San Fulgencio after the mayor, deputy mayor and four senior councillors were all taken into police custody following corruption allegations.

Mr Lewis was given the title as he is one of only two councillors from the ruling coalition not to be arrested, reports the Daily Telegraph.

"Mr Lewis has taken charge of the council on the grounds that he is the fourth deputy mayor. Everyone above him in the pecking order has been arrested," said a town hall source.

"Everything is in a state of chaos since these arrests and we are left with someone who speaks only a few words of Spanish."

Mr Lewis refused to comment on his new position except to say: "It's only temporary I hope. I'm sure this will all be sorted out very quickly and everything will return to normal."

Mr Lewis, who lives in Spain with his family, previously held the title of Councillor for Animals, which involves organising searches for lost pets and monitoring the local animal rescue centre.
