View Full Version : JR Blog Update

11-03-2008, 01:13 AM
Jim Ross has posted a new blog on his official website. Below are highlights:

- Overall, I enjoyed Friday Night Smackdown. I have certainly been a part of worse broadcasts and without question on better ones as well. Because it was Halloween and I was providing moral support for the Mrs as she gave out Halloween candy to all the little ghouls and goblins in our neighborhood, I actually watched the show as it aired and not via DVR.

- Wife Jan was unaware that I was in costume until she saw the show and without question she laughed out loud and started calling relatives and friends. I felt so proud. Thanks, honey.

- Speaking of Halloween and the generation we live in and what our society may look forward to in the future, some little 7 or 8 year old spoiled brat asked Jan if she had Kit Kat bars and she said no that she had Snickers, Milky Ways, M&M's and several other prominent name brand candy. After finding out that there were no Kit Kat bars the boy told my wife, "Keep your candy lady" and walked off. His mommy was waiting for the child in their Mercedes at the end of our drive way but what I would have given to have been at the door when the little jerk showed complete disrespect to someone providing him FREE stuff.

- Yes, I made a factual error as the Undertaker has lost the isolated, casket match here and there including one that I called against the late Yokozuna. That was a mental lapse on my end and ironically no one ever corrected me. I had asked for more info earlier in the day on Casket Matches but that info never materialized. No mistaking, this was my error but sometimes a guy needs a little help remembering all the details considering I've got more going on in my life than wrestling....or entertainment...or whatever. Nonetheless I apologize for the mistake. Perhaps my sailor hat was on too tight.

- Jimmy Yang is grossly underrated and with such a lack of talent depth why Yang isn't being utilized more prominently is a question I won't venture to ask.

- I have no idea where the seemingly nicer Great Khali is going but I am thankful that he is heterosexual. Ranjin's sideburns are outrageous and are just a little width away from the lamb chop level, Honky Tonk Man level. Could these two natives of India, not HTM, be preparing to be the next comedy pairing in their native land? Stranger things have happened friends and neighbors.

- I really enjoyed the 6 man tag on Friday Night Smackdown. Really nice energy and execution. Plus, the world's "Angriest Announcer" was particularly good in this contest. He was oh so "entertaining" and isn't that what matters most for a TV performer?

- The submission hold that the Undertaker uses has no official name for the record. Gogoplata it is not even though it isn't if you know what I mean. We aren't allowed to say choke but it does slip by occasionally.

- Said it before...I like where Vladimir Kozlov is headed but how much better would he be with a bona fide, main event level manager? BTW there are none available which speaks to the shape the business is in regarding talent development.

- Some naysayers who seemingly love to bitch about virtually every segment of every broadcast took issue at the Monday Night Raw promotion within Friday Night Smackdown. Were you surprised that the WWE pushed promoting the 3 hour Raw this Monday in Tampa? Raw sells more PPV's than any other WWE vehicle and getting Raw healthy with strong ratings is a must.

- Speaking of Raw, what a jaw dropping night it would be if Miz and Morrison beat DX and Jericho beat Batista in the World's Title Bout. I'm just saying....

- Yours truly made the mistake of watching "Beyond the Mat" late Friday night and watching it still pisses me off. I honestly feel as if I was duped during the production of this film which I was told specifically was only going to be an "art film" and released only in a few selected art theaters. No one ever mentioned a DVD release or the fact that the film was produced in 1999 and is still playing on cable. Bottom line, I spend many, many hours in helping facilitate WWE talents for the film not to mention helping provide unlimited access and got not as much as a thank you in the credits much less a pay day. The film goes to great lengths to sensationalize the negative aspect of the business, some deservedly so, and without question the production had its stellar moments. But a thanks and a check would have been nice to have received as I assure you that the film made someone some cash.

- Just for the record, we broke the Austin breaking the extras nose on the set of Steve's movie last week. We had that here on Monday. Steve always texts me on game day or I him and he will hopefully be able to find ESPN Saturday night in Vancouver to watch the OU-Nebraska game. Many eyes Saturday night will be in Lubbock Texas where Texas Tech hopes to upset #1 ranked Texas which most college football fans other than those who support UT are pulling for as well. I see Texas winning but a Tech win would not shock me either in what will be a rabid Lubbock, Texas Saturday night on ABC.

- Just a personal opinion, but I would love to see more pieces like the Cena vignette utilized to help establish more wrestler's personas. In order for any talent to become marketable, the audience must make an emotional investment in that individual and understand what the athlete is about. What do they do outside the ring as in what are their hobbies, their personal backgrounds, what are their families like, essentially what makes these men and women tick?. The smallest detail can actually link a fan to the wrestler and then the foundation begins to be established or strengthened.

You can read the full blog post at this link ( http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/good-news-shipping-costspost-smackdown-random-thoughtsbeyond-matsailors-need-thick-skin).