View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 16th Jun 2006

06-18-2006, 08:07 PM
Smackdown Results - 16th Jun 2006
Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Commentators: Michael Cole and JBL

Quick Results
- Rey Mysterio def. Gregory Helms<BR>
- Bobby Lashley vs. Booker T; No Contest<BR>
- Mr. Kennedy def. Nick Berk<BR>
- Handicap: The Great Khali def. The Mexicools<BR>
- William Regal and Finlay def. Matt Hardy and Gunner Scott<BR>
- Vito def. Scott Wright<BR>
- Bobby Lashley def. Booker T

It’s time for Smackdown, and here’s The Miz (hoo-rah!)! Tonight, it’s gonna be King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley, as well as Rey Mysterio vs. Gregory Helms in a Champion vs. Champion match, right now! But…the stock market bell clangs, and here comes JBL, the new color commentator, and IT’S MORNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! JBL dubs himself “Mr. Ratings”, and takes his seat, visibly unhappy as Rey Mysterio’s music hits.

Champion vs. Champion
Non Title Match
Gregory Helms (c) vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
Referee: Nick Patrick

Mysterio enters with a bandage around his shoulder and upper body, as JBL calls him a jumping bean. Helms enters to some heat, and (in a pre-taped interview) says that Rey will be beaten tonight, and it won’t take a superhero to do it.

The start:
They lock up, and Helms hits an arm drag. Rey grabs the arm, and gets his own arm drag, and showboats as Helms did. Helms gets a belly-to-back takedown into a front face lock, which segues into a wrist lock, but Rey rebounds off the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Helms takes down Rey with a shoulder block, and stomps away at Rey’s injured shoulder.

Mid-match notes:
Rey hits some heavy offense, and hits a head scissors out of the corner, taking Helms outside, which leads to a baseball slide. After a bit of a staredown between Rey & JBL, Helms takes Mysterio off the apron, and beats Rey down, to JBL’s encouragement. Helms hits a running neckbreaker for a 2 count, and locks in an inverted chin lock on Rey. Rey gets out with some stiff kicks, but gets caught and slammed into a nice uranage backbreaker for a near-fall! Helms gets a neck lock, which Rey escapes from, and hits a fluid wheelbarrow facebuster on the Cruiserweight Champion. Rey hits the seated senton for a close 2 count, and reverses a top-rope sunset flip into a rolling dropkick for another believable 2 count.

The Finish:
Helms rolls Mysterio into an modified Mahistrol cradle, and tries to bounce Rey off the ropes, but gets caught into 619 territory, but Helms reverses into a BIG Rydeen Bomb for a near-fall. Helms goes for the Nightmare (On Helms Street), but doesn’t get it, and then tries for the Shining Wizard, but Rey counters and hits the 619 and Drops The Dime for the win.

Winner: The World Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio

Coming Up:
A recap from the Great Khali’s wrecking spree from last week on the cruiserweights is shown, and it seems that tonight, Super Crazy & Psicosis, The Mexicools, will face The Great Khali in a Handicap match!

Non Title Match
Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

This is a non-title match, for those playing at home. King Booker & his QUEEEN Sharmell come out for the big regal entrance, and I notice that the Bookman looks a lot more relaxed since seizing the throne. Next comes the United States Champion, who also looks quite calm, but a more intense sort of calm. But here comes Regal & Finlay! The Europeans decimate Lashley, and Finlay wrecks Lashley’s knee with the shillelagh! Matt Hardy & Gunner Scott quickly make the save, as the big rematch is thrown out.

Winner: No Contest

We see the doctor telling Lashley that he can’t wrestle, but Lashley shoots back by saying that no one will stop him from getting the Bookman tonight!

Mr. Kennedy vs. Nick Berk
Referee: Charles Robinson

The match:
Kennedy wins a lockup, and peppers the young Berk with some offense in the corner. Kennedy just throws Berk, and hits a big lariat to the back of the neck, which garners 2. Kennedy gets the hammering blows to the back, and just plays with the young man, before torquing the neck in a submission. Nick Berk gets a few shots in, but Kennedy stops him with a mat slam, and finishes him off with a hangman’s neckbreaker!

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Backstage, Super Crazy talks with Psicosis about Psicosis ditching the Insane Luchador last week, but Psicosis says they are cool (Mexicool!).

As we come back, a promo is played for Sylvan’s new character, that of a spokesperson for the world’s greatest French location, Quebec.

Handicap Match
The Mexicools vs. The Great Khali
Referee: Chris Kay

The match:
The Mexicools arrive in a large red tandem lawnmower (ala their premiere on Smackdown), and Khali arrives with Daivari, stalking toward the Mexicools. Psicosis and Crazy try to get some shots in, but Khali headbutts them both, and hits a short-arm lariat on Psicosis, who rolls outside. Khali throws both Mexicools around like rag dolls, and throws Psicosis out. Crazy tries to dropkick Khali, but Khali just pushes Crazy down. Psicosis arrives with a chair, but decides to leave his partner hanging, as Crazy gets hit with the release Choke Bomb for the pin.

Winner: The Great Khali

The Aftermath:
Daivari proclaims that everyone is afraid of Khali, including The Undertaker, and Khali jabbers on the mike in a surprisingly understandable tone, and says something to the effect of “I’m the Great Khali, and Undertaker is afraid”.

In the arena:
The Miz interviews Ashley amongst the fans, and wonders if she can introduce the next match. Ashley accepts, and the introductions get underway.

Matt Hardy and Gunner Scott vs. William Regal and Finlay
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
Scott & Finlay start off, with Scott taking Finlay down, quick as a cat. Finlay comes back with a stiff kick, and a camel clutch, and tags out to Regal. Regal gets a headlock, which Scott reverses into a back body drop, but Regal tags out to Finlay, who continues the headlock. Finlay takes down Scott for 1, but Scott shoves the Irishman, and tags out to Hardy from the test-of-strength position, who takes down Finlay for a 2 count.

Mid-match notes:
Hardy gets some elbows, followed by a vertical suplex, but Finlay begs out (something “in his eye”), only to have Regal come in and get a cheap shot, which gets Gunner’s goat (dig that crazy alliteration). Hardy takes out both Regal & Finlay with a clothesline & bulldog combo, and Hardy hits Finlay with a plancha to the outside. Outside, Hardy peppers Finlay, but Hardy gets hit with the shillelagh by the “leprechaun”, and gets hit with a knee by Regal! Back inside, Finlay gets a headlock and takes Hardy down, and tags out to Regal, who works over Hardy’s facial region with Finlay’s assistance.

Regal picks up Hardy in a Canadian backbreaker hold, and Finlay comes off top with an elbow to Hardy’s neck! Scott breaks up the pin, but gets knocked off the apron by Regal. Scott argues with the referee, which gives Regal time to push Hardy off the top rope. Finlay tags to Regal, and Hardy is officially bleeding from the mouth…again. Finlay wrestles for the pin on Hardy, but settles for a neck-&-arm lock, with a bit of fish-hooking in between. Regal puts pressure on Hardy’s face, but Matt battles out of a full nelson, and gets a sunset flip which garners 2, thanks to Finlay, who tags out.

The Finish:
Finlay gets a few European uppercuts, but his shoulder SMACKS the steel post! Hardy finally tags out to Gunner Scott, and of course cleans house on the Europeans with some Benoit-style clotheslines, followed by a nice German suplex on Finlay! Scott hits a big missile dropkick for 2, and Regal, who in turn gets hit with a belly-to-belly suplex by Scott, dumps Hardy but Finlay SMACKS Gunner with the shillelagh over the head for the 3 count.

Winners: William Regal and Finlay

The Aftermath:
After the match, Finlay brings out his little bastard, who attacks everyone in sight, including William Regal, and Finlay kicks him back underneath the ring.

Backstage, the King & Queen meet up with Teddy Long, who says that Booker will face Bobby Lashley again tonight.

In the arena:
In the ring, Michael Cole introduces Chavo Guerrero Jr. and the former Cruiserweight Champion enters to a good reception. Cole asks him if he will return, to which Chavo says that people keep asking him the same thing, and that Rey Mysterio is a big supporter of him. Cole says that on the WWE web site that 79% of fans vote that Chavo should come back to action. Suddenly, Mark Henry’s music interrupts Chavo’s speech, and the World’s Strongest Man lumbers to the ring. Henry gets on the mike, and says retirement may be a good choice, and that Henry could show Chavo what he is all about. After the usual “I end careers, and I beat up Chris Benoit and Batista” spiel, Henry notices Chavo revving up, and proceeds to take out Chavo with TWO World’s Strongest Slams. Outside, Henry smashes Chavo’s spine into the steel post.

Backstage, Ashley talks with Michelle McCool, who says that she could have won if she wanted to. Ashley says that she’s proud of her body, and she likes to show it off, and challenges Michelle to an impromptu bikini contest. Michelle shoots her down, and Ashley tells her to find some class.

Vito vs. Scott Wright
Referee: Charles Robinson

A vignette of Vito exercising in the gym with a dress on is shown.

The match:
Vito pounds the hell out of Scotty Charisma…I mean, Scott Wright. Vito hits some INTENSE forearms all over Scott’s body, just because Scotty laughed at Vito. Vito channels Raging Bull, and hits some boxing lefts and rights, before taking out Wright with a vicious clothesline. Vito kicks Scott right in the face, and scores with another vicious clothesline. Vito scoop slams Wright down, and drops the leg on Scotty, before nailing the Impaler DDT. Vito then grabs Wright’s arm in a chicken wing, and sticks the kid’s head up the dress, for the TAP OUT victory!

Winner: Vito

In the arena:
Back in the ring, the Bookman’s in his throne, and the main event is here!

Non Title Match
Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:
Lashley & Booker brawl to start the match, with Booker wrecking Lashley with some well-timed and well-placed offense. Back inside, but Booker hasn’t abandoned the street-fight mentality, as he stomps away on Lashley, and uses some less-than-royal tactics (interference, choking in the ropes) to gain the advantage. Lashley almost comes back, but Booker just stomps the knee, taking Lashley down, which is followed with a well-placed sidekick to the jaw.

Mid-match notes:
Booker kicks Lashley in the back, and talks some trash, but Lashley comes back and pounds Booker’s head in the corner. Booker grabs the leg and pushes the United States Champ down, and locks in a standing toehold, further wrenching the knee. Booker body slams Lashley, and mocks the big man, before covering for a 2-count. Booker gets in a sleeper hold on Lashley, but Lashley wills himself up, and convincingly wins a brawl with the King, with some big clotheslines. Lashley goes for the Spear, but ends up diving out of the ring, further aggravating the knee. Back on Smackdown, and Booker chops the hell out of Lashley, but Lashley explodes out of the corner with a charge, but Booker takes the upper hand with a high heel kick to Lashley. Booker does his offense in the ropes bit, and stomps on the knee of Lashley. Lashley hits a wicked belly-to-belly suplex to gather his thoughts, but Booker trips him to the outside, further aggravating the knee of the United States Champion. Booker rolls Lashley back inside, and toys with Lashley, but to no real avail. Booker gets a chin lock, which evolves into a stump puller, but Lashley escapes, and snaps off the vertical suplex for a 2-count.

The Finish:
Booker reverses a big swing into the Book End for a believable near-fall, and Lashley catches Booker, going for the running powerslam, but Booker connects with the BIG sidekick, for another near-fall. Booker goes back to the sleeper hold, which grounds Lashley, but the big man reaches down deep and comes back, and hits the big right hands, but Booker kicks him in the gut, setting up for the Scissors Kick. But this time, Lashley catches Booker in mid-air, and hits the running powerslam for the pin out of nowhere!

Winner: The United States Champion, Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:
At ringside, JBL is speechless, as is King Booker and Queen Sharmell, as Smackdown ends with the United States Champion basking in his victory.

Report by powerwrestling.com & LionDen