View Full Version : House raid was 'like a jungle'

11-06-2008, 09:44 PM
Police raided a house in Oldham - and found lizards, turtles, rats, beetles and an 8ft boa constrictor.

After crashing through the doors in a dawn raid, officers stepped through swarms of black beetles, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Cages and tanks contained Macaw parrots, four snakes, fourteen Gecko lizards, snapping turtles, chickens, rats, mice, lizards and hundreds of beetles and other insects.

Sergeant Rob Howarth, from Greater Manchester Police, said the boa constrictor was as thick as a "rolled up carpet".

He added: "The snake was massive. I thought if that gets out we've had it! It was like a zoo. It was just full of tanks and cages.

"There were thousands of insects, they were the worst. All the insects were running around, large black beetles, big horrible things with antennas, two to three inches long.

"The noise was horrendous, swarms of them. There was a fairly distinctive smell... It was definitely an eye opener. It was searching in jungle conditions."

A vet and council environmental health officers were called in to take care of the animals and re-house them.

Police seized an estimated £5,000 of drugs, believed to be cannabis and amphetamines, a machete and a large amount of suspected stolen jewellery.

Three men, aged 25, 35 and 42, a 44-year-old woman and a 19-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of possessing drugs with intent to supply.
