View Full Version : Pink's Alcoholic Fears

11-06-2008, 09:51 PM
Pink is talking therapy.

And not of the retail variety.

But rather for what she feared was an addiction to alcohol.

She's told Live she booked herself into Arizona's Canyon Ranch because she was worried she was addicted to booze.

She said: "A few months ago I went to see a specialist because I thought I was an alcoholic.

"I have a problem with my vices. I've kicked the drugs, but every now and then I have to go out and get completely wasted on alcohol.

"I'm such a control freak it's very hard for me to lose my inhibitions without something chemical inside me. How do you really have fun if there isn't a little drink in you? I don't actually know."

However, luckily it wasn't what she feared.

"I checked into Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, in the summer and I went to see a therapist.

"He asked me when I'd had my last drink and I couldn't remember - it had been a few weeks previously.

"I then read the Alcoholics Anonymous manual cover to cover and we talked. I realised I wasn't an alcoholic, just someone who likes to get drunk every now and again."

Rock 'n' roll, eh Pink?
