View Full Version : Trucker loses eight stone by giving up Coke

11-07-2008, 10:57 PM
A lorry driver has lost more than eight stone by kicking his habit of drinking ten litres of Coca-Cola a day.

Jason Morgan got up to 23-and-a-half stone by drinking five two-litre bottles daily - equivalent to 26 cans.

He even washed down a big fried breakfast every morning with Coke, reports The Sun.

Jason, 32, said: "Then I'd snack on junk food like crisps and chocolate with Coke during the day. I'd get a takeaway for tea and have a few Cokes. I was addicted to it."

But he became fed-up wearing size XXXXL clothes and decided to quit Coke in February after seeing himself on film.

He recalled: "I watched my brother renewing his wedding vows on video and was shocked to see myself as others see me.

"I was embarrassed, ashamed and disgusted with myself."

Jason, who is 5ft 11in, joined his local WeightWatchers in Neath, South Wales, and has since shed an amazing 8st 8lbs.

He swapped swapped Coke for calorie-free flavoured water and lost 13lb in his first week. He also adopted a healthy diet, cutting back on fried food and chocolate, and joined a gym.

Jason, now down to 14st 10lbs, added: "My life has changed completely. I wear new clothes and I'm fitter than ever before. I've even got a girlfriend for the first time in years. It's goodbye to Coke and hello new life!"
