View Full Version : WWE SmackDown House Show Results (11/10/08) - London, England

Black Widow
11-11-2008, 09:47 PM
Carlito defeated The Brian Kendrick
- People were still finding their seats while this was going on. Kendrick looked like a superstar and had a great star quality about him. Everyone loved Carlito. The whole thing took about half an hour since there was a lot of pandering to the crowd. It picked up towards the end and Carlito won with a Backstabber.

The Great Khali defeated Ryan Braddock
-Braddock was greeted with “Who Are Ya?” chants while Khali was massively over. Couldn’t believe that people wanted to see this guy. Decent enough match that was kept short. Khali got all his stuff in then won. Basic squash match.

Maria & Michelle McCool defeated Natalya & Maryse
-Not much to this match. It was back and forth and eventually the heels singled out Maria then Michelle got the hot tag. Couple of botches in the match with Maria messing up a head scissors where neither of her legs were able to wrap around Natalya’s head. Michelle pins Natalya after the Angel Wings.

WWE United States Championship Match
Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth & Primo Colon
-All three men got pops before the crowd finally turned on
Shelton. Again not as good a match as it could have been but it was decent enough. Shelton won with his finisher on Primo Colon.

Jeff Hardy defeated M.V.P
-Hardy got a great pop and the crowd hated MVP from the get-go. Rather entertaining match with each guy stealing the others taunts which was quite funny. MVP worked Hardy’s mid-section for awhile and then Jeff battled back and hit his stuff before hitting the Swanton Bomb (which EVERYONE stood up for).


Ezekiel Jackson defeated Kung Fu Naki
-Crowd were actually into this match which surprised me. Slightly entertaining at points but it was a glorified squash match. Why this was on the Main Event side of the intermission I will never know.

WWE Championship Match
Triple H defeated Vladamir Kozlov
-Triple H got a massive pop! Now I understand the reason why
they never gave Jeff the WWE title. This was the match of the night by a mile! They did the whole test of strength deal with the Greko-Roman wrestling and then it heated up before Kozlov got DQ’ed. Great match with a great story. I will buy Survivor Series for this match!

Falls Count Anywhere
The Undertaker defeated The Big Show
-Taker got a huge pop as expected and Big Show got a ton of heat (which did surprise me a bit). An okay match but people started to leave with my guess being that it was past ten o’clock and it’s a match we’ve seen on pay-per-view before. They might have been better switching this with the match before. Some good stuff, just when Taker was about to win Big Show pulled out his signature stuff. Good back-and-forth pace at the end which saw Taker win by submission with the Devil’s Triangle.

Other Notes

-It was an okay show. It could have been worse but could have
been better. Some of the match combinations puzzled me like the triple threat and the inclusion of squash matches.

-Triple H really knows how to work a crowd and got them really pumped after the match. He should have wrestled after the Taker-Show match.

-Arena was packed with only a few seats empty. Back in April with the two sets of television tapings the arena was nowhere near as packed.

Biggest Pops:
Triple H
Jeff Hardy

Biggest Heat:
Vladimir Kozlov
Big Show
The Brian Kendrick
