View Full Version : Jake The Snake Roberts Raw Review

Cankle Wang
11-19-2008, 04:16 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Source Jakes Myspace

RAW Review: Nov. 17, 2008

Fooled you, here I am. You should always know, expect the unexpected.

So Raw report is back up and will continue to be so.

Having said that, let's get to it.

At least I waited long enough for Adamle to be gone. But I surmise we haven't seen the last of him. In fact, here's what I smell. A brother/sister power taker over of the company. I think probably Adamle will resurface at some point after next PPV. But this will all push toward Wrestlemania. Just a thought, maybe they'll do a ratings contest, one having Raw, the other Smackdown. And who cares about ECW. It might make a nice contest to see who the real evil-doers are, when searching for complete control. NO doubt you could have Vince, Linda, and HHH involved. But I suspect the heel will be ? I'm not going to tell you what I think all of the time! Just thought I'd give you something to think about.

Show opens with a forum with talent, and Stephanie pushing some decisions on brother. And, trying to be sweet. Damn that is scary. Oh well, the nut does not fall far from the tree. Basically, same old interview for 20 minutes. The only bad thing with this one was, all talent except for a couple of key players asked to stand in ring with imaginary walls in between and bring up questions that would help set the table for tonight's show and PPV. Lumberjack match, Orton, Cena and Punk, and giving time to Santino who seems to have had plug pulled prematurely. But possibly loss to Regal was just giving the fans of UK a bone to chew on. Still, hope I am wrong there, as a wrestler with IC belt, would be nice. Feel like it's a mistake to waste the invested time on Santino and drop it so quickly. JBL and Shawn, just dressing up for PPV, got a nice pop, and a nice ending for forum.

Again, why so damned much talking? Why not use it on establishing talent?

Kelly Kelly vs Victoria
Again, all matches are setting the table for Survivor Series. Five minutes of entrance. Various commercials, pushing everything from PPV to games to toys to the King's choice of Divas. I'll leave THAT one alone.

Victoria truly deserves better than she gets. I really respect this girl's work. It's solid; she's done everything they've asked and some of it was truly hard to swallow. Let us look at this match. Sorry, we wasted too much time on entrance. Low points, lousy clothesline by
Victoria, due to KK not accelerating into it and taking a bad bump.

Victoria, here's how you keep that from happening. Know your opponent and what to expect. You should have charged her to insure proper clothesline. The evil and career ending schoolboy takes its first victim in first match. Just a tease for PPV. Now, the widow's peak is too damned nasty for me, folks. There will be many hurt by this,
neck or knees, or lower back. Nice touch, bringing Beth down to clean Victoria's clock and also to establish distrust between Mickey James and Beth. Again, 5 minute intro, 1:30 match and 3 minute afterbirth.

Doesn't that suck?

Batista vs Manu

2:30 entrance. Did like the way Vince used old footage to establish Manu as another second generation star. The Wild Samoans were as strong as they wanted to be. And in time, expect Manu to reach that same level as he just has that special something. Set table well, and odds against Batista with Cody, on outside of ring, and Orton on ramp.

Folks that's how you make stars. You give them bad scenario or put them in jeopardy and have them come out on top. Can't help but pull for the guy who has been given 3 to 1 against. Pretty good match, although Manu a little sloppy with Samoan drop. Batista, landing on side and shoulder. Tip: Batista, take care of yourself on the way down. The fall won't kill you, but that damned landing will. Again, enjoyed match, Batista continues to improve, and that I truly respect.

Again, thank the guys that have taught you. Cody, played chickenshit heel pretty well. And that probably helped him more than winning a match. Nobody likes a chickenshit. Good interview by Orton, making him the bully and also creating doubt in the ranks.

Evan Bourne Great highlights. Phenominal moves, high risk does deliver a significant memory for fan. So does suicide. Each time you shine, you are playing Russian Roulette. Don't have to guess, I know you think it's worth it. Today. Tell me what you think in 5 or 10 years, IF you can still wrestle, walk, talk, and sire children.

John Morrison and Miz vs Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio

Four minutes of entrance, good spots, great moves, a mistake, yeah John, announcer table not a good thing as it won't forgive, and doesn't take prisoners. Again, high risk moves results may be great, but so is the impressive ending playing Russian Roulette. Got to know where your going at all times. Loved the tag for Shawn by commentator on elbow
off the top. Called it vintage Shawn. Ouch! Macho Man… Very entertaining match, heat worked properly and what really made the match for me was the finish. I'm still trying to believe what I saw.

John Morrison beating Shawn with the kick. Hope to see more, surprised everyone, respect Shawn a little more for doing the right thing. Rey Mysterio, damn you are good. Didn't realize you learned so many moves from me in Mexico. Ha, Ha!

Cryme Tyme vs Kane and JBL

Damn Kane! I still got wood over your interview with Groin Car Batteries and just the visual of it all. Seems you may have given Mike Knox a shot of that. Although again, this is nothing personal, but Cryme Tyme pretty damned obvious, your time is short.

The only bone given in your match was the pop from the rap star in the audience. And Vince don't mind doing that--that is one step in creating a star. As far as your match, you guys were sluggish, slow, nothing crisp, not even running the ropes and hitting a turnbuckle.

Incredibly boring sheep walking to the edge of the cliff, and I guess just hoping for someone to put back legs in their Wellingtons and giving them one last push. Don't see you guys surviving at all.

Wonder if it has anything to do with your characters being portrayed as I never did like the light cast on your whole gimmick. Just seemed racial and cheap and sad as they were having you do all the wrong things and calling you babyfaces. Suggest you'd better kick it in or pray they have another character somewhere else down the line.

Regal vs Matt Hardy
Three minutes of entrance, congrats on title win. Great start with interview, demanding respect for the title by addressing the level of applause given the rap star and the lack of it for IC. Taking shot at your devotion to queen and country and the lack of the American
respect was very good. But DAMN, what the hell was this horseshit? A one minute match to a count out. Hell, even the afterbirth stunk to high heaven. Dammit I know you guys can work. Can't imagine why this occurred. Boring, sloppy, lack of thought, waste of talent and TV time. Didn't help pad the PPV either. I'm sure there was a reason, for lack of time. But no excuse for the worst I've seen in sometime. Hell this might win the worst of all time. Why didn't Mae Young save us on this? Or even Stronbow? EVEN Sheik! Again, guys, nothing personal but expect to see this on TMZ.

Here's how bad the previous was. I almost enjoyed watching 6 minutes of highlights and ga-ga promoting PPV, even by Jericho. WOW. Let me look at this, folks. 6 minutes. And 6 minutes earlier in the show, pushing return of Cena. If these two guys aren't over yet, they never will be. I know it's all about the PPV. But come on, how about spending time on current talent? Although a blank screen would have been better than the previous debacle. Surely somebody can come up with an idea better than the current process of shove it down your throat, til you buy it. Please, I'm begging you.

Of course Cena wins. Of course Taker wins. Watch out Russian, you're next. Now that's that. Excuse me folks, got to go back to bathroom and hope I can pass the rest of that match. I'm sure I can sue due to the polyps that have developed over what I saw. Christ, I'm thinking I may have a couple snipped, dipped in gold, and sell them to Santino as
Italian love horns. Forgive me TMZ, even you guys won't go that far. Because there was nothing to be gained. Wankers.

CM vs Randy Orton

Before I get to this last match, I just want to know who the agent was previously employed that got fired after the Regal/Hardy abortion? DAMN! Sorry Ron, or Mr. Simmons, but now I know where you got your inspiration, because DAMN says it all.

Okay, I'm out of the bathroom, now let's go for this last one.

Lumberjack rules. Lumberjack match is set up due to the need to keep normally the heel, in the ring to face his just rewards. Yes, Randy did a horrible thing to CM. But in this instance they did it to plant seeds for future confrontations, angles and a way out of this match. Normally what would happen as the heel would try to pull a Cody Rhodes and his chickenshit and run. And heels being heels would also try to obtain advantage over babyface by getting outside help. This started differently.

Orton fires CM out and when we all thought CM would be jumped by heels, he escaped and got back into the ring. AH HA!! A babyface is being created. Again creating impossible odds and having him survive. Good job, Randy, good idea. That smells of Steamboat or your Father. Or you're learning. From there, the babyfaces's screw it up. As you take your first trip out, and cheap shot Jamie Noble (which is impossible to do because no one cares). Hell, all of America hates Jamie Noble. You're not a big man Jamie, nor do you have a great repertoire. What you do have more than likely is a 40x70 singlewide. And the tires are better on it, than on your car … Oops! Meant truck.

But for babyfaces to attack Orton and get all the cheap shots before the heels initiate, is just stupid. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? I know who the man was, Randy, tag, you're it. Watched you call the match and was impressed. Folks that is what a great worker does. Your Father and your Grandfather could have a great match with a
broom. Great workers have great matches even with decks stacked against them. Many can do a thousand moves but few in the right order. Watch your talking in the ring, though. But maybe that has to do with the inability to listen by others. Randy you sold perfectly and it was different. Seems you have finally found a style your comfortable with. Just hope that you have the same tenacity as stick to what you want to do. I was very impressed. It was a pretty damned good match and what was best about it, was the moves and countermoves and the pulling out the fire just in time, life saving counters. Randy, blocking his kick, okay, I get that. Simply because I was in the ring (not working with ) Kevin VonErich. and I don't give a shit what kind of sauce or spices you put on a foot, they still don't taste good. Seen you get one earlier but still you're not a pretty boy.

I truly hope what I saw tonight wasn't a freak. What I feel has happened in the past, you were being asked to follow someone else's lead. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. At least they got the finish almost right, and Regal, you should kiss someone's ass for this, because you distracting CM reduced the garbage I had seen before. Good finish, and a pretty darned good wrestling match. I'm sure the ref got his ass chewed, and he should have, and Batista too, because if the ref is in the way when its time for your thing, take that SOB out too. Orton going for kick and having to pause was wrong. And Randy, it wasn't Batista's fault, and it wasn't the ref's fault. If they aren't there when they should be then you simply kick the SOB in the head again. Because that one wrong move took 50% of the hard work and toss it in the trash can. It's that simple folks, it's the little things. And the little holes that burst the dam.

It's true the WWE these days--they end the show with 20 guys doing their highspots. Can I ask you a question? Whatever happened to anticipation? Whatever happened to mystery? And whatever happened to the unknown? And the biggest of all, and I know you guys don't believe in it, whatever happened to leaving heat on a heel? You want people to buy tickets? Then create something that people want and make them pay for it on the PPV. But you guys create 10 minutes of heat in a show, and 30 minutes of killing it. If you tried this, maybe you wouldn't need this shove it down your throat til you buy it, method.

Entice, tease, encourage and anticipate on your TV shows then satisfy on your PPV's. Why in the hell should anyone buy a PPV? When you kick everything in the nuts and piss on it before you ever get there.

Good to talk to you folks again.

11-19-2008, 04:52 AM

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-19-2008, 06:10 AM

11-19-2008, 07:31 AM
thanks for this

11-19-2008, 03:59 PM
that was a good read thanks for this