View Full Version : Possible TNA PPV & TV Spoilers

11-23-2008, 04:17 AM
If you watched the latest TNA Impact Show on Spike you heard Mick Foley announce the Main Event for Final Resolution as Sting, Booker T, Nash & Steiner vs AJ Styles, Samoa Joe & Two partners of their choice with AJ Styles winning the TNA Championship if any of the 4 Mafia Members are pinned.

So who will AJ & Joe pick?

Well if we were being logical we'd say Abyss & Matt Morgan. They faced Nash & Angle on the same episode as the announcement. Abyss is a true TNA original, and Main Event guy. Matt Morgan may have been in WWE, but it can be said he didn't have "opportunity" until he came to TNA, so he's as much an original as anyone.

Except that likely won't be the way it goes. Beer Money got involved in the finish of the match so likely Abyss & Morgan will end up with Beer Money at the PPV. I'd bet they could win the tag titles even.

So that leaves who???? Creed & Lethal? (Beat up by Mafia) Eric Young? (Beat by Booker T) Rhino? (Oh that's right he's facing Angle) A returning Petey Williams??? (He's out a month so likely not so much) Christian Cage (He was buried), maybe LAX (They are in really good Rough Cut segments for a while), Christopher Daniels (MIA but possible), Kaz (Legit recovering from surgery). All clearly are or could be with the TNA "Originals" in this fight, so those not already booked could be the choice.

But I'm betting they won't be.

So who then?

Well Team 3D, of course. Bubba mentioned the Mafia in his promo (BTW, great job by Devon..."testify my brother") Will Team 3D help AJ to win the title, and can they be trusted, or will they join the Mafia and screw the "Originals". I think that's the story or at least it's what I hear it could be.

Stay tuned.......

Source: WZ

11-23-2008, 04:44 AM
How did this guy not even mention the Motor City Machineguns? IMO they are the obvious team to pick. Maybe they'd even turn on Joe and AJ during the match.

11-23-2008, 07:50 AM
thanks for the read Eel