View Full Version : TNA PPV 'Final Resolution' LIVE Coverage! 2008

12-04-2008, 06:51 AM


Eight Man Tag Team Match
Sting, Kevin Nash, Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe & Team 3D

"The War Machine" Rhino vs. Kurt Angle
with Mick Foley as Special Enforcer

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
Abyss & Matt Morgan vs. Beer Money Inc. (c)

TNA X Division Championship Match
Eric Young vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir (c)

TNA Knockout's Championship Match
Awesome Kong (c) vs. Christy Hemme

Feast of Fired Match
Featuring: The Motor City Machineguns, The Latin American Xchange, Rock N' Rave Infection, "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt, "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams, BG James, Consequences Creed, Curry Man, Cute Kip & Shark Boy

ODB, Taylor Wilde & Roxxi vs. Sharmell, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky



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12-04-2008, 06:53 AM
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LIVE COVERAGE Final Resolution PPV
Sunday, December 7th, | Orlando, Florida

TNA Final Resolution 2008, live from Orlando, Florida at the Universal Studios. The show opened with a video using old FDR footage decrying war from the 1940s interspersed with footage of the TNA Frontline and The Main Event Mafia. TNA blew some pyro and the announcers ran down the lineup of the show.

Feast or Fired
The Motor City Machineguns, LAX, The Rock N' Rave Infection, Jay Lethal, "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, BG James, Consequences Creed, Curry Man, Cute Kip and Shark Boy.

Everyone received singles entrances, since it was each man for himself.Cute Kip gave a fan the crotch chop on the way to the ring. That was timely the last time he was over. They noted during the ring introductions that Williams wouldn't compete due to the beatdown he received from the Main Event Mafia.

You have to retrieve a briefcase and escape the ring to capture one. One of the briefcases will be revealed tonight.

Everyone started brawling at the bell. Lethal and Dutt brawled outside. It broke down with Curry Man and Shark Boy taking out the Machineguns. Curry tried to grab a briefcase but BG James pulled him down. Curry tossed James out to the floor. Curry and Shark worked together to try and get a briefcase but were shoved off by Dutt. Dutt used Hernandez' back as a springboard to go for a case but was taken out by Lethal. Rave went for a briefcase but was grabbed and hit with a Border Toss out of the ring to the floor, where everyone else had congregated.

Hernandez then retrieved a case and left the ring. Kip took out Curry Man and went back and forth with BG. BG got caught with a stunned by Shark Boy. Sharky began throwing out stunners. Lance Rock took him down, then hit a German suplex on Alex Shelley. This has turned into a fast collection of crazy spots. Rock hit a double clothesline on Hernandez and Curry. They took out Rock. Curry and Homicide battled atop the ring for one of the cases. Curry got the better of it and knocked Homicide down. Curry got the case but found others in the ring waiting to attack him, so he did a flip dive to the floor on others to escape with the case.

Rave and Lethal went back and forth in the ring. Lethal went for the Lethal Combination but Rave hit the Rock Your World. Kip took out Rave but began eating offense from the Machineguns. Consequences Creed hit a somersault into a clothesline. Lethal hit Dutt with a full nelson suplex. Lethal went for a case but was crotched by Homicide. Homicide hit an Ace Crusher off the top rope. He went for a case but Dutt grabbed him. Homicide got the better of the exchange and crotched Dutt, even stepping on his back to get leverage removing the case. Homicide leaped to the floor.

Dutt hit a dive to the floor on James and Kip. Alex Shelley went for a case but Rave cut him off. The Guns worked over Rave with a Tower of Doom combination powerbomb/sliced bread #2. Jay Lethal tried to use the moment to grab the case but Shelley nailed him. The Guns hit a missile dropkick on Lethal while he was on Shelley's shoulders. Shelley went for the case but Shark Boy pulled him down. Creed charged but was superkicked by Sabin. He then nailed a DDT.

Shelley went to the top and got the case as Sabin blocked everyone. Shelley laid out Shark Boy and Creed with the case. The Guns posed with the case held aloft in the air. Lethal springboarded off the ropes, grabbed the case in mid-air and escaped to the floor.

Winners: Homicide, Hernandez, Curry and Lethal!

Jeremy Borash came out and announced they would open one case now, but would give the winners a chance to forfeit their cases (and protect themselves from being fired, if they had that case). The Guns remained in the ring. None of them took the offer. Borash said they randomly picked a number, which would be opened now. It was #2, held by Jay Lethal.

Lethal returned to the ring, crossing his fingers. The Guns refused to leave, so you know an angle with Lethal is coming. Borash told the guns the case wasn't theirs and the crowd chanted, "Yes it is." Ha! He won a Tag Team title shot, which drove the Guns nuts. The crowd chanted, "Bullsh**." They were trying to turn the Guns heel and the crowd was making them babyfaces.

Jeremy Borash cut a promo on the heels saying he was tired of the Guns whining and moaning, because they knew the rules. He called Alex Shelley an "A-hole." Borash said that of the 250 people that TNA employ, Shelley is the biggest pain of the ass he's ever worked with. Does that include Gary Coleman, who Borash has buried for years after he made a cameo in WCW? Weird to see Borash "shooting".

Lauren interviewed Sharmell and The Beautiful People. Sharmell said that underneath all her beauty, she's as ghetto as ghetto can be and promised to be "Beyonce-ing" all over ODB. Uh, Beyonce isn't ghetto. How about Mary J. Blige? Foxy Brown? Lil' Kim? Velvet Sky said that they do bad things to bad people, but they never start anything. She said they take out the trash that TNA puts in the ring with them and they are tired of beating the ugly out of ODB, Taylor Wilde and Roxxi. She said the only reason they took the match is that they wanted a new crib, since the storyline is they get Booker T's locker room if they win. Angelina Love thanked Booker in advance for it, since they can never have enough real estate. She said the economy sucks because they own everything.

Angelina got a phone call from "The Governor", as in Sarah Palin. They tried to tell her they were about to go on a moose hunt. She promised to put Palin on the guest list for Impact on Thursday. They giggled like little girls running into Zach Efron in the street.

ODB & Taylor Wilde & Roxxi vs The Beautiful People & Sharmell (with Cute Kip)

The babyfaces opened with quick tags, working on Love. Love caught Wilde with a hell of a right to regain control. The BP hit a double clothesline for a two count. Velvet Sky worked her over with punches. Wilde came back with uppercuts and caught her in a front facelock. She tagged in Roxxi, who slammed Sky. Sky retreated to the floor, so Roxxi nailed Angelina. ODB tagged in and called for Sharmell to come in the ring but instead Kip got in the ring. The referee stepped between them, allowed the BP to jump ODB

The BP tagged in and out working on ODB as the crowd tried to rally her. Love rammed ODB back first into the corner. Now that ODB was down, Sharmell was willing the tag in. She nailed some punches, then ran out and tagged in the BP. They both ended up getting nailed with a double clothesline, then made the hot tag to Taylor. Wilde cleaned house with clothesline and dropkicks on the BP. She hit a tiltowhirl backbreaker on Love.

Roxxi jumped Love and they brawled on the floor. Sharmell tried to sneak up on ODB, who turned around. The crowd popped for the moment. Cute Kip hit the ring and shoved ODB in front of the referee. NO DQ? ODB slapped him then chased Sharmell to the back.

Back in the ring, Love kicked Wilde as she charged into the corner. Love hit a flying bodypress off the top but Wilde reversed it using her momentum and scored the pin.

Winners: ODB & Roxxi & Taylor Wilde!

Jeremy Borash interviewed Eric Young. Young cut a straight promo, saying he's got confidence and he's got the hopes and dreams that he and the Frontline are fighting for. He said that's what he learned when he moved to America from Canada. The Motor City Machineguns interrupted. Shelley said that he wanted to borrow Borash. Young told Shelley he needed to get on board because they were fighting for their future. Shelley said he was on the team but didn't trust anyone but Chris Sabin. He told Young he wished him luck, but wanted to borrow JB. Young asked him if it was OK and Borash said it was. The second Young left, they shoved Borash against the locker room and warned him that he wasn't thinking and he should never mouth off to them again. They demanded to know where Mick Foley was and Borash said he was by Jeff Jarrett's office.

TNA X Division Championship Match
TNA X-Division champion Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Eric Young

The referee was Shane Sewell, who they noted had two strikes but still had to officiate the match. They praised TNA management for not taking the easy way out by getting another referee. They started off with some solid back and forth wrestling and near falls. Young hit a Thesz Press early.

Bashir threw Young into the corner and unloaded with chops. Young did the Flair flop in the corner but landed on his feet, hit a shoulderblock through the ropes, slid in and hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Young was whipped into the ropes and bumped over to the floor. On the floor, Young was slammed into the steps and tossed back in. Bashir went for a pinfall and then grabbed a waistlock to work on Young's back, which they said he injured on the tumble to the floor.

Bashir began nailing several elbows on Young. Bashir got in Sewell's face, warning him to make the count correctly. When Young kicked up, Bashir went for a surfboard to work on the back. So far, so good. They did a double clothesline with both on the mat being counted down by Sewell. Young got the better of Bashir with a back suplex and an elbow off the ropes but Bashir kicked up.

Bashir kicked Young but was caught with a discus clothesline. Young slammed him, then went to the top. He missed a moonsault. Bashir covered him for a two count. Bashir went for his DDT but Young blocked it by grabbing the ropes and hit a forward roll for a two count. Bashir got his foot on the ropes to break the pin. Young argued but was tossed to the floor by Bashir. Bashir and the referee argued. Bashir shoved him and Sewell teased hitting him but composed himself.

Young hit a sunset flip into the ring but Bashir grabbed the ropes. Sewell warned Bashir to let the ropes go and when he didn't, kicked off Bashir's hands. Tommy Young would be proud. Young pinned Bashir for the belt.

Winner: and new X-Division champ Eric Young!

After the match
Bashir attacked Young. Sewell tried to stop him but was hit by Bashir. Sewell made the big comeback with a backdrop but Bashir nailed him with the X-Division title. Bashir backdropped Young to the floor. Sewell was busted open when he returned to his feet. Bashir attacked him again and again, measuring Sewell, then choked him out with the turban. Really good angle.

Bashir walked out with the X-title. As he got to the stage, Jim Cornette and security came out and took the belt with force.

TNA Knockout's Championship Match
TNA Knockout champ Awesome Kong (with Saied and Rhaka Khan) vs Christy Hemme

The backstory here is Hemme is the underdog challenger with AJ Styles training her. Khan is sort of worthless here since she's taller than the monster champion. TNA brought in a veteran to introduce Hemme. There was a sign that read, "If Hemme wins, we riot."

Hemme started off fast with strikes in the corner. Kong whipped her into the corner but Hemme avoided the charge. Hemme tried for a takedown but was tossed off. Kong charged but Hemme dropped down and Kong went over the ropes to the floor. Hemme hit a bodypress off the top to the floor, which looked awesome. Kong slammed her down on the floor. Kong brought her back to the ring and controlled Hemme, throwing her down and slamming her with a double barrel choke.

Kong locked Hemme in her version of the Torture Rack. Hemme got to the ropes and began striking her with kicks. She jumped on Kong's back with a sleeper but was shoved off. Kong charged the corner but was kicked several times. Hemme nailed a DDT and hit her split legdrop off the middle rope. Saied pulled Hemme out of the ring at two. Saied and Hemme brawled on the floor. Khan got involved as well, but Hemme fought back against both and got back in the ring. Again, it was all in front of the referee with no DQ.

Hemme returned to the ring and Saied followed her. They did a DQ.

Hemme fought off Saied. Khan got on the apron. Hemme went for a forearm and Khan ducked down to the apron to avoid it. It looked like he she didn't want to take the bump. It made Hemme look bad. Hemme nailed her with a few kicks. Kong and Hemme started brawling with security pulling them apart.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Kurt Angle, saying he needs to beat Rhino to get to Jeff Jarrett but if he loses, he's done with the company. Angle said it was ecstacy, comparing himself to the hunter who just got the kill. Angle said the last few weeks, he's seen a fire that he's never seen before in Rhino's eyes. He said that he commends Rhino for lighting a fire under the Frontline. Angle said their fire is nothing compared to his obsession with Jeff Jarrett and says he sees Jeff and his little girls and how they've ruined his entire life. Angle promised next month, he's going to beat Jarrett to within an inch of his life with no mercy. Borash asked about Mick Foley and Angle said, "He's been taken care of."

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Beer Money Inc. (with Jacquelyn) vs Matt Morgan & Abyss

Beer Money's entrance is great. Morgan and Abyss laid out Beer Money early and they retreated to the floor. Abyss chased Storm into the crowd with Roode following. When Beer Money returned, Matt Morgan hit a bodypress off the top to the floor. Morgan and Abyss beat on Beer Money, who pulled the old Memphis Wrestling heel walk up the ramp. At this point, the bell still hadn't rung.

Referee Rudy Charles told the ring announcer that if they didn't return to the ring by a ten count when they started the match, they would forfeit the titles. Beer Money charged for the ring at eight. They broke the count and rolled back out of the ring. That was funny. Beer Money did a great job playing stalling heels not wanting to get in the ring with Abyss. Larry Zbyszko was smirking.

Matt Morgan tagged in with Roode. Roode tried to grab a waistlock but was shoved off by Morgan. Beer Money doubled on Morgan. Morgan caught James Storm when he went for a high cross bodyblock and hit a Fall Away Slam. Abyss tagged in and Storm ran for his life to the floor. Roode was grabbed by Abyss and pulled into the ring. Roode tried to focus on his knees but was hit with a side slam.

Abyss charged into the corner but was elbowed. Roode was mad Storm was outside drinking a beer when he went for a tag. Roode was double teamed by the challengers. Beer Money took control, nailing Morgan's knee into the ring post. He fought off Storm but when he went for a tag, Storm chopblocked him to take Morgan back to the mat. Roode worked over Morgan with a leglock. Beer Money tagged in and out working on Morgan. They hit a Rocket Launcher on Morgan for a two count. They went for a double suplex but Morgan reversed and tagged Abyss.

Abyss attacked Roode as Storm ran to the floor. Abyss went for Shock Treatment but Storm attacked him. His blows had no effect on Abyss, who pressed and tossed him into the air. Roode came off the ropes but was caught and chokeslammed. He put Storm into Shock Treatment and nailed it for a two count.

All four battled inside the ring. Storm had a beer bottle but was stopped by Abyss when he went to nail it. Abyss went to hit him with the bottle but Jackie Moore got in the way. Storm put on brass knuckles and nailed Abyss in the jaw, scoring the pin.

Winners: and still TNA Tag Team champs Beer Money Inc.

Lauren interviewed Mick Foley and asked how the pressure of being the Enforcer was weighing on him. Foley said none of the pressure was on him because his job was pretty easy. The Motor City Machineguns showed up. Foley mocked Shelley for wearing the turkey suit on Impact. Shelley ripped on Foley, but then said they figured out a way to make their relationship work. He asked Foley to overturn the decision of the opener, asking Foley to give them the Tag Team title shot instead of Lethal. Foley asked if they were asking or telling him to do it. Shelley said he was telling Foley and they'd "see him out there." They left. Foley told Lauren that one day Shelley is going to get what's coming to him, but it'll happen on his time, not the Guns'. He teased it could even happen Thursday.

As the announcers previewed the main events, The Motor City Machineguns came to the ring and took the ring mic. Shelley said Mick Foley was about to reverse the Feast or Fired decision so they would get the Tag Title shot. They took chairs and sat down in the ring, saying they weren't leaving until Foley came out. Jim Cornette came out instead. Cornette said Foley had better things to do than "wetnurse a couple of crybabies." Cornette told them to get out of the ring and the building right now before they were in more trouble. Alex Shelley said they weren't a pair of Rock N' Roll Express knockoffs and they weren't going to scared by Cornette. Cornette got mad and said he was going to get the biggest security they have to drag the Guns out of the ring.

Lauren tried to interview Rhino but he just stared intently at her. She asked if she shouldn't be there and he told her she shouldn't. She handed him the mic and stood off to the side, scared. Rhino said he's never been more disgusted than he has been hearing Kurt Angle talking about Jeff Jarrett's daughters. He said when he hears what Angle said, it makes Rhino think of his own daughter, He said he would up the violence and would be fighting for Jarrett's girls. So, Rhino went from being the flagbearer for the Frontline who just PINNED THE TNA CHAMPION to Jeff Jarrett's stand-in.

During the tag match, they announced the X-Division title was held up and there would be an official announcement on Impact.

Rhino vs. Kurt Angle
with Mick Foley as Special Enforcer

Rhino, after all the talk of being disgusted and violent, broke clean when they got against the ropes during a lock up. Sigh. Angle grabbed a side headlock but was shoulderblocked down, then rolled to the floor. Angry, violent Rhino didn't follow. The crowd did the back and forth chants for each but I don't think the crowd is buying the idea that Angle could leave the promotion at all.

Rhino shoulderblocked Angle down, then used a headlock takedown. Angle went for a hiptoss but was clotheslined down for a two count. Angle whipped Rhino into the corner. Rhino caught him with an elbow for a two count. Rhino kneed him and went to the ropes but Angle shoved him over to the floor. Angle followed him to the floor and whipped Rhino into the guard rail.

Back inside the ring, Angle nailed a back suplex for a two count. He cinched on a side chinlock. Rhino fought his way to his feet but was caught with an overhead belly to belly suplex for a two count. Angle began nailing Rhino in the corner but it energized him as he fought Angle back with several headbutts and punches. Angle took Rhino back down to the mat with a chinlock.

They did a double clothesline spot after Rhino fought his way back to his feet. Rhino came back with a shoulderblock and a spinebuster. Angle came back with a belly-to-belly suplex, then pulled down the straps, teasing the Olympic Slam. He went for it but Rhino slipped out and hit a belly-to-belly. Rhino set up for the gore but Angle moved and locked on the Anklelock. Rhino tried to go for the ropes but was pulled into the center.

Rhino finally rolled through to free himself. He picked up Angle for a powerbomb then flipped him over into the turnbuckles. Rhino teased the Gore again but was kicked in the face and nailed with the Angleslam The match is OK but it hasn't come anywhere near the Abyss match next month overall. Rhino charged Angle with a shoulderblock in the corner but Angle moved the referee got nailed.

Foley got into the ring to check the referee. Angle grabbed a chair. He and Foley began arguing. Angle dropped the chair. Rhino rolled him up for a two count with Foley counting the fall. Angle went to the top but Rhino began nailing him with punches. He superplexed Angle into the ring for another two count.

Al Snow walked out smiling as everyone chanted for Head. Foley smiled and said something to Al, who slapped him. Angle nailed Rhino with the chair and hit the Angleslam. Foley, somewhat reluctantly, counted three. The storyline was Snow was getting revenge for what Foley has written about Snow in his books. Didn't WWE do this...in 1999?

Kurt Angle took the mic and told Foley he was going to cripple Jeff Jarrett next month. He said he was going to take care of Foley after Jeff and told him, "You piece of sh**, I'm going to beat the sh** out of you. Have a nice day." He gave Snow a thumbs up and Snow raised his arm on the stage.

Lauren interviewed The Main Event Mafia backstage. She asked Sting how confident he was given that he could lose his TNA title tonight. Sting said they were confident and it's what he wanted. He said all of them were victims of the Frontline's disrespect and they have experience at his side tonight. Sting said they've been in wars and survived them all, and are still standing. He said that tonight, the Frontline were going to learn what the TNA title and the Main event Mafia represented.

Jeremy Borash interviewed the TNA Frontline. AJ Styles was asked if they can trust Team 3D. Brother Ray said all week, everyone has been asking that. AJ Styles asked Borash if he was back to palling around with Kurt Angle. He said ten years ago, 3D were in the same position he and Joe were in. He said they were brothers and family, and promised they were taking the TNA title home. Ray asked Devon if he had this, and Devon said he did.

Eight Man Tag Team Match
TNA champ Sting & Kevin Nash & TNA Legends champ Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D & AJ Styles & Samoa Joe

AJ Styles, no one else, will win the TNA title if the Frontline win, no matter who gets pinned or makes the pin.

Styles and Booker started the bout. They started out fast. AJ rolled over Booker to hit several shots but was thumbed in the eye. Styles came back with a big dropkick. Brother Ray tagged in and cinched in an armbar on Booker. Booker caught him in the corner with a knee to the face, then tagged in Scott Steiner. Booker hit a side slam so Steiner could work him over. Steiner clotheslined Ray, but missed an elbowdrop. Ray peppered him with punches, then hit a uranage.

Joe tagged in and nailed Steiner with an enziguiri in the corner. Steiner raked Joe's eyes. Joe pulled off and challenged Nash to tag in. Sting tags in instead. Joe began chopping away at Sting, then began kicking at him. Joe continued to work him over in the corner but Sting raked his eyes, then began kicking and punching his combination on Joe. He slammed Joe and hit an elbow. Sting tagged in Nash.

Nash nailed Joe with the knees in the corner. Joe was able to get Nash into his corner and tagged in Brother Devon. Devon nailed a shoulderblock on Nash. Devon then laid out Booker and Steiner. Devon hit a back elbow off the ropes on Nash. Sting nailed Devon from the outside and Nash hit the big boot to the face. Nash drilled him with a sideslam for a two count. Steiner tagged in and hit an over the head belly-to-belly suplex.

The Main Event Mafia continued to work over Devon. Booker nailed a spinkick for a two count. He cinched in a rear chinlock on Devon. Steiner tagged in and chopped away at Devon in the corner. He set up Devon for a suplex off the turnbuckles but is knocked backwards into the ring. Devon hit a headbutt off the ropes then made the tag to Brother Ray.

Ray and Nash battled in the middle of the ring with Ray getting the better of the exchange. Ray hit a running splash in the corner, then hit a backdrop suplex. Booker broke up the pin at one. Joe tagged in and began drilling Nash with kicks and chops. Joe hit a big kneedrop on Nash. Booker whipped Joe into the corner. Steiner grabbed Joe's legs and pulled him into the ringpost, crotching him, although the cameras missed it.

Nash continued the assault on Joe with a clothesline and kneedrop. Sting tagged in and kicked Joe in the gut, then dropkicked him in the face. Steiner clotheslined Joe. Steiner nailed Brother Ray off the apron and locked in a choke on the mat. Joe fought his way to his knees, then to his feet. He elbowed Steiner away but Steiner nailed a STO variation. Ray broke up the pin and slapped Joe with the idea he would wake him up from his grogginess.

Booker tagged back in, nailing several high knees to the head and neck of Joe. He followed up with chops. Joe began firing back and they went toe to toe in the center of the ring. Booker nailed a scissor kick and did the spinaroonie. Steiner tagged back in. He slammed Joe headfirst into the turnbuckle. Steiner set up Joe on the top rope and hit a belly-to-belly overhead from the ropes. He covered Joe, who put his foot on the ropes.

Steiner cinched in a sidechinlock. The Frontline rallied the crowd. Nash tagged back in and choked Joe against the ropes. The Mafia worked over Joe in the corner as 3D argued with the referee. Nash nailed a big boot to the face. Sting tagged in but Joe kneed Sting as he came off the ropes. Joe went for the tag but was dazed and went in the wrong direction, allowing Sting and the Mafia to maintain the control. Steiner was finally caught with an uranage as he charged Joe in the corner.

Joe made the tag to Styles. Styles clotheslined Sting, then nailed the other Mafia members. He hit the Pele Kick on Nash. Styles caught Sting with a Stinger Splash of his own, the hit them on the other Mafia memebers in each corner. Styles nailed Sting with a back suplex and covered him for a two count. Joe tagged in and hit a Tazplex. It broke down into all eight brawling inside the ring and outside.

3D nailed the 3D on Booker but Steiner broke it up and clotheslined both. He suplexed Devon. Ray hit the sitdown powerbomb on Steiner. Nash chokeslammed Ray. Styles hit the springboard forearm on Nash. Sting nauiled Styles and locked on the Scorpion Deathlock but Joe kicked Sting in the face. Joe went for the muscle buster but was lowblowed by Nash. Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Joe.

Winners: the Main Event Mafia

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-04-2008, 08:15 AM
There's gotta be a couple more matches surely

12-05-2008, 06:34 AM
*Final Card*

12-08-2008, 01:50 AM
there is no way rhyno is going to beat angle

12-08-2008, 04:14 AM
Al Snow? FFS he sucks.

12-08-2008, 04:33 AM
Told ya'll this ppv would suck.. al snow? LMAO.. i like the guy, but come on.. that's just random.

Y0UR Messiah
12-08-2008, 05:22 AM
Doesn't any one see that TNA is slowly becoming the next WCW. Al Snow is back...it's like they're bringing in all the old stars of years of old.

12-08-2008, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the info

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-08-2008, 07:00 PM
thx kel........... very predictable results but i will watch it still :)

Flair Country
12-08-2008, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the PBP Kel.