View Full Version : Lilian Garcia Ribbed On Flight To Iraq

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-05-2008, 10:16 AM
Joey Styles has a blog on the WWE Universe talking about two unwritten rules regarding the plane ride from the United States to Europe prior to reaching Iraq for the "Tribute to the Troops" tour. According to Styles, the first unwritten rule is "what happens on the plane stays on the plane." Although, Styles broke the first rule by informing readers of the consequences of the second unwritten rule, which is to not sleep on the first leg of the trip to Europe (before they arrived in Iraq, the WWE crew had to stop in Germany). Some of the WWE performers try to hide among the various cargo on the giant C-17 cargo plane the WWE crew takes to Iraq in order to get some sleep, but Styles said ring announcer Lilian Garcia broke the no-sleep rule and was caught in the act. "Lilian was unfortunately and unceremoniously awakened by a bucket of ice water being poured over her head," Styles wrote. "As JBL said, 'She looked so hot, we had to cool her off.'" Styles said JBL was not behind the ice bucket wake-up call, and that he will not reveal the actual person behind the "heinous act." However, Styles said "pirated video footage" may appear on John Morrison and The Miz's "Dirt Sheet" on WWE.com.


12-05-2008, 06:52 PM
lol I don't think she is that hot but she has an easy job. Throwing ice on someone to wake them up just doesn't seem that funnny to me, I would rather a raunchier story which I am sure there are many lol

12-05-2008, 11:21 PM
Lol, she'd be lucky not to catch some foreign disease.

12-06-2008, 03:18 PM
thanks for this Gunner

12-06-2008, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the read.