View Full Version : Gamingring Ninja: Rumor Mill Wrap-up (WWE SDvRAW09 DLC News)

Black Widow
12-06-2008, 08:06 PM
Posted on Thursday, December 4th, 2008 by mike regan

The Gamingring Ninja Returns with some of the biggest scoops of the year.

Greetings, my Fellow Ninjas It is I the Gamingring Ninja back once again to enlighten you and bring you forth to the path of enlightenment. After a lengthy absence, I the Gamingring Ninja has stepped forward with all of the news and rumors of the Video game world.

What does Doritos, and Tyrasarus Rex have in common. That Answer may very well be coming soon to a XBLA arcade game soon.

There has been a lot of rumors swirling around Guitar Hero: Metallica but one recently came across my desk which I needed to share with you. There has been some questions regarding the fact if Guitar Hero: Metallica will present the full Band experience like Guitar Hero World Tour. Well the answer is now known and remember where you heard it from first. You indeed will be able to play as a guitar, bass, vocals and drummer in the upcoming game. In fact there are even different career paths for each in the main story mode. Sounds pretty cool if you ask me.

Every week, I keep getting asked about DLC for WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009. While I cant say anything definite I have heard rumblings of 2 packs with 1 pack hitting XBLA very shortly and another sometime before Wrestlemania 25.

While everyone knows that the PSP version of Little Big Planet is coming along but what some people don’t know is that you will be able to share content between the 2 platforms.

Speaking of THQ, I have heard some more rumors that they plan on bringing Dawn of War 2 to the Xbox 360. No word on how exactly they will bring over the RTS controls to the Xbox 360 controller.

No Doubt is coming to Rock Band DLC in the near future.

Thats it for now, take care my Video game brothers.

Till next we meet.

Gamingring Ninja
