View Full Version : Man pulls car with his eyelids

12-10-2008, 08:37 PM
A Chinese martial arts enthusiast pulled a one tonne car by a rope fastened to his eyelids.


Luo Deyuan, 21, of Guiyang, also pulled the vehicle by fastening the rope to a piercing in his neck, reports Guizhou Metropolis News.

He said he learned his skills from a local master, adding: "I really wanted to do something special."

And he says he has succeeded as his bizarre stunts have been featured on television as far away as Mexico.

Luo says he has another 23 stunts, including lifting two buckets of water with his eyelids, stopping electric fans with his tongue, and walking on sharp blades.

And he is now hoping to get his name in the Guinness Book of Records, adding: "I really want to perform my stunts on a bigger stage."


12-11-2008, 08:27 AM
crazy stuff thanks for this Eel