View Full Version : Further Update On The JBL-Joey Styles Fight In Iraq

12-10-2008, 08:47 PM
As we reported yesterday, there was a major backstage altercation that took place between former ECW announcer Joey Styles and former WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield while WWE was overseas in Iraq over the weekend. There are new details on the actual scuffle that took place between the two.

JBL is known for being a lockerroom bully and he was giving it to Joey Styles all week. Over the weekend, Styles had enough and got in JBL's face. Several WWE employees jumped in to break it up and JBL, who had been drinking, broke free. He then charged at Styles, who punched him right in the face and knocked him down. JBL ended up with a black eye and a cut under his eye, which were somewhat visible on Monday's RAW. I've heard that Styles may have been wearing a ring but I am still unable to confirm that. JBL wore heavy make-up during the broadcast and tilted his cowboy hat down a bit to conceal his face. JBL spent most of Monday night by himself in the locker room, being very quiet and spending most of his time on his Blackberry phone.

Apparently there were a number of different things that JBL did to Styles during the course of the Iraq tour, all of which would have set a normal person off. Some of JBL's hazing was verbal and some was physical.

In a related note, there is an unwritten rule among WWE superstars that anybody who falls asleep on the airplane en route to an overseas tour is subject to pranks. It was reported last week that WWE ring announcer Lillian Garcia fell asleep on the way to Iraq and JBL dumped a bucket of ice on her.

Source: F4WO

12-10-2008, 11:20 PM
inb4 OH MY GOD
but on a serious note...JBL deserves it..he's an asshat...so good.

12-11-2008, 02:49 AM

Hey JBL who gave you the black eye??

I got my ass kicked by Joey F"N Styles.


the madscotsman
12-11-2008, 01:51 PM
new chant: Joey's gonna kill you!

well done mr styles.

12-12-2008, 04:27 AM
I can only pray the "Joey's Gonna Kill You" chant gets up and going.

12-12-2008, 07:43 AM
new chant: Joey's gonna kill you!

well done mr styles.

i like that thanks for the read Eel

12-13-2008, 01:40 AM
lol Good ol JBL, good to see his bar brawling days still in him though but his arrogance will prob get him killed one night. WOOT Joey :)

12-13-2008, 07:15 AM
Good for Joey... But one day JBL is gonna mess with the wrong person and really get hurt...