View Full Version : Gran sells best seat in front of TV on eBay

12-12-2008, 10:38 PM
A West Yorkshire grandmother has sold the best seat in front of her TV on eBay for Christmas to avoid family rows.

Bev Stewart, of Stockbridge, near Keighley, had put up with petty arguments for years over the coveted spot.

With a 25-strong 'rabble' expected to descend on her house on Boxing Day, she decided to place the seat on eBay.

It was advertised as a "a very comfy and popular item" open to all members of the family - and Bev even offered to throw in a free cushion for those with aching backs.

After the auction involving guests and family, Bev's daughter-in-law Alexis Stewart and her 11-month-old son Mark will now be sitting pretty after trumping 17 other bids with her £13.50 winning offer.

The enterprising grandma said: "There is always arguing over who gets it, it's the perfect seat. It is straight in front of the TV and has got the coffee table at the side for you to rest your drink on and the TV remote, so everybody wants to sit there.

"Last year I had a heavily pregnant daughter and daughter-in-law who both gave birth in January, so they got the seat most of the time. But this year it has been up for grabs.

"Alexis's son Mark will probably share the seat with her but she will have it all day."


12-14-2008, 11:50 PM
lol thanks for the read Eel