View Full Version : Beth Phoenix Sends a Message to Trish, Talks About Gail Kim, More

12-13-2008, 04:43 PM
Here are some highlights of Beth Phoenix’s interview on the 12/8 edition of Monday Night Mayhem, provided by The Mayhem’s official show correspondent, Dan Kriegbaum. The full show can be heard at Mondaynightmayhem.com.


The Mayhem Crew welcomed Beth to the show to help promote this Sunday’s WWE Armageddon Pay-Per-View just hours before the three-hour Slammy Awards Monday Night RAW special. The Big Mosh, Blade, as well as Beth, joked that there might have to be a “white carpet” to be rolled out for their arrival in Buffalo on Sunday, due to the possible wintry weather. Beth said that she was a huge fan of the Slammys growing up, and said it would be a huge honor to be held in the same breath of Owen Hart, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, & other stars of the past. Confidence was definitely brimming from her leading into the Slammy’s, as she indicated that if she had the opportunity to capture one, that it “wouldn’t surprise her,” simply because she is the best Diva. She then said that after RAW, her & Santino (Marella) should have a full mantle of Slammy Awards — which prompted a three-word appearance from the other half of Glamarella…who also believed Beth’s words to be true.

The Big Mosh then mentioned Armageddon taking place in Beth’s hometown (and that of The Mayhem) of Buffalo this Sunday night @ The HSBC Arena, and asked her what she is looking forward to about “coming home.” Beth said that she loves getting to come to Buffalo, from the time she pulls up to the arena with all of the fans lined up outside in the cold to show support, until the minute they leave the parking lot after the show is over. She said that Buffalo fans are the most dedicated to her, saying “where else will our fans stand out in the cold in sub-zero temperatures in the snow, just to see the WWE superstars come to the arena?” She then went on to talk about how she started wrestling in the Western New York independents in such companies as Buffalo Championship Wrestling & how she is “so proud” to represent Buffalo.

Mosh asked Beth to let The Mayhem Nation know how her career has progressed to the point that it has, from her beginning days in wrestling to WWE Women’s Champion. Beth said that she grew up, like most of the other WWE superstars, as a wrestling fan. She mentioned how wrestlers were her “heroes,” and that she was inspired by a lot of them — which she tries to use in her own career, in order to inspire today’s fans. She added that education came first however, so while attending school in Buffalo at Canisius College, she would travel on the weekends to work the independent circuit. Upon graduation, she said she received an opportunity to head down to Ohio Valley Wrestling & get a try-out to pursue her dream full-time, and worked her way up from there until signing a WWE contract two years later. Once that came about, she said she had to work even harder than before to get a spot on RAW or SmackDown, “and once that happened, I broke my jaw five weeks later.” A year after the injury, she returned to television, and has been there ever since.

Blade & Mosh then asked how “The Glamazon” went about working her way back from her injury. Beth said that she has always kept her eye on the WWE Women’s Championship, which certainly seemed to help. As an example, she used her title loss to Mickie James in London, England, saying that losing the title helped her to refocus, just like the injury did, to “get back on top & stay there.” She said that she lives for competition, and “nothing motivates her more knowing that other people want what she has.” She added that having “someone special” always helps to, as Santino is always there to tell her the things she needs to hear.

Mosh then mentioned Melina’s recent return from injury, and dead stare on trying to win the Women’s Championship. He asked Beth if she would be interested in defending her title against her in Buffalo at Armageddon, and have the opportunity for some retribution. Beth said that Melina is one of the girls, like herself, that raised the bar for women’s competitors in wrestling, with the “spectacle” & “beauty” she brings to it. Beth said that she “wants to wrestle the best, so she can beat the best, so ‘The Glamazon’ can stay in the spotlight as the WWE Women’s Champion, because I deserve to be. So I would love to beat up Melina in my hometown….That would be awesome.”

Mosh asked Beth about Charlie Haas’ recent impersonation of her on RAW as “The Glama-Haas), and asked if she thinks he did a good job. Beth said that anybody can get a blonde wig & the same outfit, “but nobody…nobody…can possibly come close to the incredible beauty that “The Glamazon’ possesses. And honestly, to me it was quite an insult for him to come out there. He got what was coming to him though, because Santino kicked his butt…so beware anyone that chooses to mock me.”

The Mayhem Crew then talked about the recent rumors of former WWE Women’s Champion, Trish Stratus, and the possibilities of what a return from would mean for the WWE & the women’s division/women’s wrestling, as well as Gail Kim’s pending return to the company as well. Mosh then asked Beth for her thoughts on possibly having the opportunities to wrestle Trish again, as well as Gail Kim. Beth addressed the Trish question first, mentioning that Trish has already said that she could easily beat Beth in a match. Beth added that Trish comes from a different era, one earlier than “The Glamazon,” where Beth “annihilated” the women’s division on her way to the title. “If Trish wants to talk the talk, I dare her to walk the walk.” She added that if they were to wrestle, it would be a WrestleMania caliber match. Could this be a sign of things to come fans? In regards to Gail Kim, Beth mentioned that her & Gail trained together (along with TNA Knockout, Tracy Brooks) at the same gym in Toronto. She said that they wrestled several times in Canada before either of them were in the WWE, but added that wherever she ends up in World Wrestling Entertainment, they will most likely cross paths & get to wrestle again.