View Full Version : Nude opera pics shock China

12-16-2008, 10:52 PM
A Chinese photographer is creating shockwaves with a new exhibition combining nudity and opera.


Liu Zheng, 39, has been accused of cheapening Peking Opera which is regarded as a cornerstone of Chinese culture.

His work, entitled Naked Peking Opera, has gone on show at the New Beijing Gallery but has been slammed by traditionalists.

Liu, a former photo-journalist, turned to art because he felt he needed to express his views on modern Chinese society.

"In my opinion Peking Opera has too many oppressing elements, too many rules, musts and must-nots, which in some sense is like Chinese culture," he said.

"Nudity, on the other hand, breaks up these rules and challenges the traditional mindset."

The models in the pictures are not real opera singers but ordinary people wearing Peking Opera make-up.

"I asked a few real Peking opera artists to participate, but all of them refused since they felt if they did then they wouldn't be able to return to the stage again," added Liu.

However, many visitors to the exhibition were shocked by his pictures which they felt desecrated Chinese culture.

Company manager Yu Meiren stormed out of the exhibition after blasting the nude opera pictures as "mind twisted".


12-17-2008, 02:43 AM
i dont see what the problem is, thanks for the read Eel