View Full Version : Rumors On Tomko And WWE

Black Widow
12-18-2008, 03:05 PM
I've seen various reports that WWE, and in particular Vince McMahon, was not pleased with Tomko's look and performance in his recent dark match with Paul Burchill, and that he may be released. Also a fan saw Tomko at the Pittsburgh airport and he had his right arm in a sling. Tomko suggested he might have broken something in the arm. While at TNA Tomko had regular injury issues on his right side but not with his arm but rather his right pectoral muscle which he hurt in Japan and kept rehurting, so this injury may be a reoccurrence of that problem. Tomko had resisted getting the surgery to fully repare the problem while at TNA. He was frequently in quite a bit of pain while with TNA.


12-18-2008, 04:18 PM
thanks for this ryan

12-18-2008, 04:23 PM
Tomko has been under contract with WWE for 2 months now and has been asked to report to FCW. Over the last 2 months, Tomko has shown up maybe 3 times. Now WWE was ok with this for the most part simply because Johnny Ace was the one who went to bat for Tomko and Ace is the one that enforces the attendance at FCW.

Now Tomko was backstage at a few shows to get himself aquatinted with some of the younger and newer talent to the WWE roster.

As you know Tomko had a dark match at Raw with Paul Burchill and as many have reported it was terrible. The intentions for the match was to set Tomko up with the shine, allow him to go out there, get positive feedback from the crowd and prepare to debut on TV. Burchill's job was to make Tomko look good. Not surprising, Tomko stunk up the joint. In an odd turn of events, it proved to give Burchill a rub with those backstage. Now to get into the meaty part of the story.

Vince was watching the match on the monitor as he does all the time. From the start of the bell Vince was appalled with Tomko's performance. Johnny Ace was standing right next to Vince and Vince let him have it. Vince was quoted as to telling Ace "What the Fuck is this guy doing on our roster again? Get him off it now, he's done here." Vince also commented that Tomko looked out of shape, he blew up 2 minutes into the match and wasn't hitting his mark at all.

I was informed that Tomko was released from his WWE contract and it's expected that WWE will either acknowledge the release Friday or ignore it completely.

Here is where the fun begins. Tomko is already telling people that the reason he is leaving WWE is that they didn't give him the money he was promised which is a lie. He has been paid for the past 2 months by WWE and hasn't worked a week yet. He is also making claims that he will leave WWE to take a full booking schedule in Japan and also has Movie offers he will be considering. This too is a lie.

Right now, Tomko has expressed interest in returning to TNA and there are many within TNA who are actively campaigning not to have him come back. Several people there feel that Tomko had burned the company on more than a few occasions and that he brings nothing to the table and not worth the time.

When Tomko first left TNA, he tried to hold them up for money claiming that he was offered a multi-year deal in Japan but he would turn it down if TNA would give him more money. To cement his story, when TNA didn't offer him more money, he threatened to leave the company and said that he would ask for his release early then. TNA called his bluff and released him. Before they let him go, they made sure to let Morgan bury him in the ring.It didn't take long for those in TNA to find out that Tomko had Zero offers in Japan and nothing in Mexico either. Once this was said and done, Tomko came back to TNA officials and requested he returned to his previous position in the company. TNA gave the green light for him to return and then Tomko decided to attend a WWE house show. It was there that he approached Ace about making a return to WWE.

Tomko told Ace that his TNA deal was easy to get out of and if they acted fast that Tomko could sign with WWE right away. Obviously, he signed the deal and then sat at home despite the training facility being less than an hour away from his home.

Long and short of it, Tomko is gone from WWE, it will be public knowledge soon and prepare to hear a bunch of Tomko excuses as to why him and the WWE parted ways. One person said that Ace is still trying to keep Tomko with the company but Vince wants nothing to do with him and Ace is in some hot water with Vince over this matter.


12-18-2008, 04:33 PM
Now that is news thanks.

12-18-2008, 06:37 PM
No! I wanted Tomko in WWE:(

Infinite Vision
12-18-2008, 07:26 PM
Good job Tomko. You screwed yourself again!

12-18-2008, 10:36 PM
Damn it, why can't Vince like the ONE musclehead that I actually like?

12-19-2008, 02:18 PM
i'm glad he won't be joining the wwe. can't stand tomko & have never seen what's so great about the guy.