View Full Version : McManus speaks out on McGeady saga

12-19-2008, 11:07 AM
Stephen McManus insists any distraction by the Aiden McGeady saga could cost Celtic a fourth straight Clydesdale Bank Premier League crown.

Republic of Ireland midfielder McGeady, 22, has been the focus of attention since he was excluded from the first team for a fortnight and fined two weeks' wages for a dressing-room bust-up with manager Gordon Strachan.

McGeady is awaiting formal notification of his punishment but is set to miss the SPL clashes with Falkirk and Rangers and with the champions only four points ahead of their arch rivals, any slip-ups could be crucial.
Celtic captain McManus, claims the Hoops squad have to focus solely on on-field matters.

He said: 'We are concentrating on the games. If we let things like this affect us then we won't win the league, so our only concern is winning football matches.

'I hope we win the game on Sunday, that's the most important thing and that is all the players are looking forward to.'

McGeady, reportedly 'shocked' by the severity of his punishment, has made clear through his agent David Holbrook his intention to appeal the decision.

However, McManus insists the Parkhead dressing room will not be getting involved.

'The way we look at it is that it's done and dusted,' the Scotland defender said.

'The club has issued a statement and so, as far we are concerned, it is done.

'I am not going to sit here and make any comment - that would not be fair to the team, the manager or Aiden.

'The players have had their opinion but it will stay with us, it will never come out and the matter is done as far as we are concerned.'

Falkirk manager John Hughes has revealed he prepared his team to face McGeady this weekend, despite his suspension.

Hughes remains to be convinced that McGeady will not face his side and has gone as far as to train his team with facing the youngster in mind.

He said: 'I think McGeady will play and we've done a lot of work based on that.

'I'm not going into what Gordon has said or anything like that, I just need to concentrate on Falkirk, so I've set up my team and I really think he will play.

'You play against a system, so we've set it up to play against a system. He'll maybe change it if he's not playing, I don't know.

'But all I'm saying is I expect McGeady to play and so we've done a wee bit on that, not on him specifically, but the system. There's no point turning up there (and he plays).

'We've done our work, we'll get there and get on with it and we'll see what happens come Sunday.'

Hughes is also unsure of the possible loss of one of his own players, after reports linked veteran midfielder Russell Latapy with a permanent coaching position with Trinidad and Tobago.

He added: 'It is press speculation. Speaking to Russell about it he has said it might be a goer but until we hear officially I can't really comment on it.

'But if that's what we wanted to do as a club, I wouldn't stand in his way. He's been a fantastic servant for us.'